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Apr 28th 2018
I read this three times to see where the headline matched what @JoyAnnReid allegedly said. It doesn't.
My takeaway from the blog Reid excerpts & her comments is in 2006 she was a Bush supporter--along with 50% of America & many now-liberal pundits.
While I find this disappointing, I also see folks who claim to be Resistance and even left, RTing folks who were actual architects of Bush policy in 2006, like @DavidFrum & @BillKristol. Or lauding @sullydish.
And folks watch & quote @BillMaher who STILL holds these views.
Do NOT mistake these comments for endorsement. In 2006 I was a virulent critic of the Bush/Cheney administration and the Islamophobia that had taken root in American society.

I am merely saying I was more the outlier than Reid was re: these views in 2006.
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