Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #hillaryclinton

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.@realDonaldTrump accuses #Ericsson of bribing #HillaryClinton in August of 2016

"This is by far the most dangerous story I've ever reported on" - Lara Logan

Twitter Spaces TONIGHT w/ Lara covering: The Ericsson Report: A Matter of National Security 👇🏽……
The General on Thread covering Ericsson:
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Twitter Spaces with @laralogan covering...

The Ericsson Report: A Matter of National Security

This Tuesday - June 20th at 4:00:44 PM EST 🎯

Please read the Report & post Q's to be asked! 👇🏽… Image
@laralogan Will schedule the Space on the 19th... 💯
To read the Report:

Also check out the Public DECLAS of FIVE EYES/9-1-1/9/11 in the threads linked within:
Read 17 tweets
It’s a well known fact that the Clinton family is very powerful in American politics. They’ve been in positions of power since the 70s. Bill Clinton married Hillary Clinton in 1975 after they met in Yale law school.

After finishing law school he returned back to Arkansas, elected as attorney general and followed up as two term governor for the state. Bill Clinton was elected as president in 1992.

The Clinton family has a curse… sort of like any one getting too close to the family dies of natural causes or through suicides or accidents.

A thread on Clintons for awareness
#ClintonSuicides #ClintonMurders Image
#ClintonSuicides #ClintonMurders Image
Read 99 tweets
Lo “strano caso” del #DurhamReport (thread)
Lavoro immane. Il team Durham ha
-revisionato tutti i documenti (anche appunti a mano)
-riascoltato tutti, attori protagonisti e comparse (quelli che non si sono rifiutati) già ascoltati da FBI e Mueller e ne ha ascoltati di nuovi.
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Ha prodotto due versioni del rapporto. Una pubblica e una secretata.

2/ Image
Segue i fatti svolti da maggio-giugno 2016, quindi solo da dopo che il contratto con #GpsFusion era stato rilevato dalla Campagna di #HillaryClinton
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There are lots of #ConspiracyTheories widely known to people. A brief list of them are found below:

Each and everyday we keep stumbling upon new conspiracy theories which are proven right a little while later.

A 🧵 #4 for your awareness👇 Image
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Never forget the NYPD officers who viewed Hillary Clinton's frazzeldrip video and all got suicided.......We need the truth.... #WeWantAnswers #HillaryClinton #NWO #frazzeldrip Image
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#ClintonMurders #ClintonSuicides

5 fundraisers, 5 doctors, 8 journalists, 11 staffers, 13 lawyers, 22 bodyguards, 23 witnesses, 40 acquaintances to name a few. They grow each year.

A thread 🧵 for awareness 👇

Remember when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections…

America would’ve been much better without George Soros rigging campaign financing

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In 2019, Amy Robach exposed how ABC News refused to publish her explosive Jeffrey Epstein exposé implicating Prince Andrew & Bill Clinton.

“Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.”

A thread 🧵 for awareness
Apparently the show goes on. None of the #EpsteinClientList folks got indicted. Only Epstein & Maxwell were prosecuted. The pedophiles are still running the show as if nothing changed. Image
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A thread 🧵 on politics & politicians

List of all things that backfired on Joe Biden and his administration…

2.Energy Crisis
3.FTX implosion
4.FBI raid on Trump
5.Classified Documents
6.Hiding Hunter Laptop story
7.Dumping… Image
Joe Biden strangles Russia with worst sanctions…

Russia thrives, US banks collapse Image
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Meanwhile, Real Criminals with Real Evidence of Real Crimes go unchecked. 🎼@RealBrysonGray
#BidenCrimeFamilly #TrumpsInnocent #TRUMP2024
The time ABC news does one clip about #HunterBiden. #Ukraine #Burisma #BidenCrimeFamily #MustWatch #Share
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Et ça continue, c'est un concours de bêtises, entre dirigeants occidentaux.🤣La ministre canadienne des Affaires étrangères appelle à un "changement de régime" en Russie 😂La ministre canadienne des Affaires étrangères, Mélanie Joly, a admis que l'objectif
à long terme de l'engagement occidental en Ukraine n'est pas simplement de voir Moscou vaincu, mais d'instaurer un "changement de régime" en Russie. Joly a fait ces commentaires alors que son gouvernement annonçait de nouvelles sanctions
contre l'importation d'aluminium et d'acier russes.
Nous sommes en mesure de voir à quel point nous isolons le régime russe en ce moment – ​​parce que nous devons le faire économiquement, politiquement et diplomatiquement – ​​et quels sont également les impacts sur la société,
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Febbraio 2017: a margine del #TechCamp, evento formativo dedicato a giornalisti, comunicatori e startupper, Olga Yurkova, giornalista ucraina, media trainer, e fondatrice di StopFake.Org, promuove il suo portale dedicato al fact checking.

Il progetto ha ricevuto finanziamenti dalla Fondazione Internazionale Rinascimento, dal Fondo Nazionale per la Democrazia e dal Ministero degli Esteri ceco.

Quindi #StopFake riceve anche finanziamenti governativi.

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1/10 Let’s talk about @UnderSecStateP Viktoria Nuland and her role in US policy of #warmongering Because it’s look like she is just on her way under the bus! Image
2/10 Toria Nuland father real name was Nudelman, her father parents was born in Moldova and Belarus, this is how everything what happens in #Ukraine and retaliation on #Russia it is personal vendetta for Toria Image
3/10 It all began at Brown, when Nuland developed an interest in Russia. She had read and loved Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and wondered how a culture could both have produced writers like those and also developed the brutal Communist system under which Russians were living. Image
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@ChristLayla @314Phaethon @VincentCrypt46 @30STMBot @ShannonLeto #echelon Trust, is very important--I will get the blue one to @realDonaldTrump Let's glow instead and be ourselves! This is the frequent-C to be on...I don't want to deal with John...I want to have fun with my tribe
Just got confirmation from my neighbor MACI, that her parents and herself, do support me-I told her to tell her family hello for me and that GOD has this! She wished me luck and we are now washing my hippie clothes with all my fun patterns...Ya'll wanna chill or what? ImageImageImageImage
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India's relations with the outside world will be the other test before we can claim to be on solid ground. This essentially means dealing with other countries, especially our neighbours and the big powers, in a manner that ensures peace and security.
According to the theories that currently carry conviction, there are three basic ways of achieving this result—


This mix is regarded as the mantra of a good national
But to be historically correct, it must be pointed out that this mantra is neither new nor a Western discovery. As a matter of fact,the basic premise of it has been around for centuries.
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Nel novembre 2016 il sito Web #PropOrNot elenca circa 200 siti Web accusandoli di indebite "influenze russe" nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Il #WashingtonPost ne certifica l'autenticità, nonostante quelle liste siano state redatte dietro l'anonimato.

Grazie a #PropOrNot il 2017 è diventato l'anno delle #FakeNews. Ogni notizia poteva essere collegata al dossier Steele e alla collusione di #Trump con la Russia. "Con noi o contro di noi": e chi osava sfidare la narrativa del Russiagate diventava un troll del Cremlino.

Il danno che #PropOrNot ha arrecato a decine di siti web di notizie e opinioni alla fine del 2016-2017 costituisce la base di una massiccia causa civile: perché c'è il potenziale per un'azione collettiva delle dimensioni di una società del tabacco.

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It was Hillary, not Trump, who 1st started the rumor that Obama,
aka Barry Soetoro, was a muslim born in Kenya.

Her 2008 campaign distributed images & started the birther topic to smear and cast doubt on her opponent - Obama’s eligibility.

🪡 Thread 🧵
Hillary was losing to Obama, so her campaign started the birther rumor, that he is a Muslim and ineligible.

Her campaign manager
later admitted to the
the smear campaign against her adversary #Obama



In 2016, Hillary’s campaign hit rock bottom. To turn the tide, she resurrected the issue.
Trump finished it by saying:

“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.”…
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1. today,the Italian daily Repubblica has an interview w/ #HillaryClinton,who is in Venice for promoting womens' rights. During the interview,she speaks about #AfghanWomen under the Taleban. No question to her on who funded & trained fundamentalists throwing acid on Afghan women
2. NO question on #LibyaWar, which was #HillaryClinton's war. Hillary with the #British and the #French. Libya which was and is an absolute catastrophe, in particular, a catastrophe for #Italy. NO question on #Libya from la Repubblica to #HillaryClinton
3. it is a disgrace how #HillaryClinton uses #WomensRights,#HumanRights,#freedom and #democracy to push her militaristic agenda which has destroyed entire nations.I believe everyone who believes in women's and human rights feel betrayed, exploited
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Deep Fakes | Testing Tools and various Software (Another thread will be created soon on Deep Fake Detection)

This is a Thread 🧵 👇

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #deepfake #OSINT
1 of 7
Used for the below video of my friend Ryan Shaw who is an FBI Agent.

Ryan Shaw does not exit and was fabricated by me. Everything was chosen, the moving background, the AI person, the accent, the language.
#AI #Artificial_Intelligence
2 of 7
Used for the video below. The face of Obama was swapped for the face of Gen. Colin Powell. Software didn’t change the shape of Obama’s face, did some additional modifications with, voice wasn’t changed. #AI #OSINT
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Nochmal ein paar "Fun Facts" zu #Trump und seinen geklauten Dokumenten

1. #Trump ruft nach der Veröffentlichung des Durchsuchungsbefehls, dann stellt das Justizministerium den Antrag auf Veröffentlichung, dann wird Trump auf einmal SEHR leise.


Weil Trump eine Kopie

des Dokuments erhalten hat. Er hätte es jederzeit veröffentlichen können. Er wollte mit dem "Legt es offen!" nur mal wieder die Märtyrer Bongos bearbeiten. Durchschaubar.

2. Das Bild im ersten Tweet ist die Gesetzesänderung, die #Trump 2018 mitgetragen hat, um eine höhere
Gefängnisstrafe für #HillaryClinton zu erreichen, Ihr erinnert euch: "But her emails"... Nun wird ihm das evtl. selbst zum Verhängnis. Gerüchteweise handelt es sich um 20+ Dokumente, die er widerrechtlich geklaut hat. Von einer "einfachen" Strafe von maximal 1 Jahr wurde der
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La rabbia dei repubblicani dopo la perquisizione a casa di Trump e cosa rischia l'ex presidente. Lungo thread di analisi qui sotto 🧵⤵️
Un alto numero di esponenti repubblicani ha protestato dopo la perquisizione dell'FBI nella casa di Mar-a-Lago dell'ex presidente Trump, accusando gli agenti federali di aver preso ingiustamente di mira l'ex presidente per scopi politici.
Alcuni sono arrivati a chiedere di tagliare i fondi all'FBI ed al Dipartimento di Giustizia. Molti repubblicani hanno anche ripreso la dichiarazione di Trump, in cui affermava che l'FBI aveva aperto una cassaforte di sua proprietà.
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My thoughts on the current situation regarding the FBI and President Donald J. Trump:

We as a society in this country have reached a point where each and every one us will have to look in the mirror and contemplate
#FBIRaidsMarALago #Republicans #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica /1
Where do we draw the line? The line that we will defend. When is enough, enough? Where we won’t continue taking this abuse we have taken by the political establishment.

#FBIHasBeenPoliticized /2
Whether you align with Democrat. Whether you align with Republican.
Whether you align Independently.
Whether you align with whatever.
None of it matters. What we all have witnessed is the politicization and weaponization of the FBI.
#DemocratsAreADisaster /3
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@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker I "Bambini Talpa" sono uno dei mantra della teoria cospirativa di #QAnon. Teoria nata nei meandri di #4chan, un forum per immagini a sfondo #nerd finito colonizzato da #altright ed altre derivazioni sociali con in un comune un odio patologico verso l'#Occidente che (continua)
@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker li avrebbe provati del futuro, della felicità e del coito introducendo concetti come #femminismo (le donne decidono il partner, quindi non loro), #immigrazione (hanno paura che un #messicano che non parla la lingua e non ha amici gli freghi il posto al McD) e (continua)
@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker capitalismo. La teoria prevede che i #PoteriForti, incarnati in #HillaryClinton, #Soros e #Obama tutti i weekend di riuniscano in pizzeria per mangiarsi i bambini all'uso del #Compagno Stalin. E non sto scherzando. Il problema è che (continua)…
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