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Apr 6th 2022
How do you take a legacy system toward fast flow of change? @suksr takes us through an evolution
using wholistic approaches including DDD, Wardley Mapping, and Team Topologies #QConLondon
The Wardley Map is only part of Wardley Mapping. There’s a whole strategy cycle

from @suksr #QConLondon
Team Topologies has categories of teams, and even more important: consciously plan the interactions between teams

from @suksr #QConLondon
Read 5 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
Slow means risky. 130000 dev hours in a single weekend deploy

@audunstrand and @trulsjor #QConLondon
It’s not about how fast the team can program.
It’s about how fast the team can find solutions to each problem, uncover organizational secrets for how the domain works and should work.
There’s a conflict between cross-functional teams and the organizational hierarchy.

And alignment is a Challenge in autonomous teams
Read 12 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
Flow in a software team is a socio-technical property.
Dropping flow comes with downtime, bugs, and other general misery.

from @ntcoding #QConLondon
Enforcing the same JIRA workflow doesn’t make developers interchangable.
“It takes me weeks to develop rapport with teammates, months to learn domain and code, a few hours to learn a JIRA workflow.” @ntcoding #QConLondon
Smooth devex, sustainable flow:
“This is working in the government, six years ago.
No one else has an excuse anymore.”
@ntcoding #QConLondon
Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
This morning at #QConLondon , @glenathan tells a story of an experiment at Circle CI: for this greenfield project, let’s have NO LOGGING.
Instead of logs, events! that make traces!

“Events are good logs.”
They’re data-first instead of human-first; they wrap units of work with durations; they can be explored multiple ways

@glenathan #QConLondon
They found best practices like: wrap each unit of work; report errors in a standard field; use span names that are specific enough to tell you what’s happening but general enough for useful grouping.

~ @glenathan #QConLondon
Read 9 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
Here we go, last talk of the day on the production track at #QConLondon, with @rdelvira and "an entertaining outage story" (his own words) when slack rolled out DNSSEC Image
"Who here tried to rollout DNSSEC?, Ok one person... Now how failed when trying to rollout DNSSEC? Welcome to the club!" 😂 @rdelvira #QConLondon
"We planned DNSSEC carefully, with the necessary changes and replicated most of our DNS use cases... And you'll see later why I said 'most'..." @rdelvira #QConLondon Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
Continuing the #QConLondon production track with @yurynino, and using visual metaphors to understand our production data in a different way. Image
"In our field, observability is about humans and about how humans interact with technology" @yurynino #QConLondon Image
Collecting metrics and signals are only one part of the solution - observability has to come with good visualisation, and engineering a solution for humans. @yurynino #QConLondon ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
Next up on the production track, @mhausenblas on Continuous Profiling #QConLondon Image
"Observability is the capability to continuously generate and discover actionable insights based on signals from the system under observation with the goal to influence that system" and that's for both people (eg debugging) and automation (eg autoscaling) @mhausenblas #QConLondon Image
Observability can go beyond usual metrics, logs and traces: @mhausenblas introducing profiles and eBPF #QConLondon ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
First talk of the day on the #QConLondon production track, by @glenathan and a challenge: can we build observable services without logs? Image
"We needed to build a new service in Go, without our usual existing scaffolding in Clojure... That led to some bikeshedding but also gave a chance for experimentation!" @glenathan #QConLondon
"Before this, we spent a lot of money to know what our applications were doing in production" Image
Read 10 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
and now what we’ve all been waiting for: @KevlinHenney keynote #QConLondon

“If there’s any probability, even so close to zero it won’t fit in a floating point number, it is not impossible”
Representations are never perfect.
“Software development is the creation and maintaining of illusions.”
@KevlinHenney #QConLondon
Programming paradigms are ways to organize our illusions.
@KevlinHenney #QConLondon
Read 11 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
A deep Java performance talk that I don’t have enough context for, by @PeterLawrey
Project Panama is about replacing JNI. Meantime, if you want to share memory between processes cleverly and safely, you can use their chronicle-bytes library. #QConLondon
“If you go down to the low level for too long, you wind up writing systems that can’t be altered.” @PeterLawrey #QConLondon
Read 5 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
Opening keynote at #qconlondon today: Sophie Wilson, microprocessor designer…
Moore’s Law was a self-fulfilling prophecy because microprocessor manufacturers set it as their goal to keep up with it.
- Sophie Wilson, #qconlondon
4000 transistors is critical mass for a microprocessor. Fewer than that, you can’t do enough.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
My write up on @qconlondon #qconlondon Day 1:…

Highlights were @agupta03's talk about getting the @LinkedIn real-time distribution platform to scale to 1M likes/s.
Also @doodlesmt's talk about @lyft's approach to training ML models with streaming data
Day 2 write up @qconlondon #qconlondon:…

Great day, with lots of highlights: @anjuan framing leadership lessons with inspiring stories about the Underground Railroad,
@lucamezzalira with lots of practical microfrontend advice...
...@percy_link and @breckcs talk about how the
@Tesla Virtual Power Plant is able to make energy grids more efficient, also great advice about how to approach distributed systems at scale,
and @msmichellegar's journey from BFFs to centring the organisation's data around GraphQL
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Mar 2nd 2020
Not sure I'm going to agree with this talk... #QConLondon
Hmm... "Serverless 2.0"?
FYI this is cloudstate
Read 8 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
Onto @kings13y at #QConLondon talking about Effective Ethics for Busy People
Now talking about GTC @goodtechconf which was awesome last year #QConLondon
Tech sector and the "third sector" (charity sector) are both massive worlds, but don't necessarily converge very often < @kings13y

This is so so true #QConLondon
Read 19 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
Love it #QConLondon
I like @robynbergeron - she has opinions
Some of this talk is worthwhile... but some of it isn't right... use what is right for you (I think that's what she said)... @robynbergeron

I'm loving this talk. Really fun
Read 10 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
Average reading age in UK is between 5 and 7 yrs...

So understanding "1 tablet, 4 times a day" is actually relatively complex for many...

Building tech is hard!

Read 5 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
A good reminder from @lizthegrey in her #QConLondon talk (paraphrasing) “If a single blade of grass is brown, it's not a problem. We're not going to replant the whole lawn for that. Same things for our services: it's not necessarily a problem if a single thing is down.”
Also expressed by @mipsytipsy as “nines don't matter if users aren't happy”: you can have 99.999% uptime, it's useless if users are not happy about the product. Conversely, it's OK to have “only” 99% uptime if it doesn't significantly affect user experience.
Also expressed by [can't remember who?] as “in any sufficiently complicated system, there is always at least one component broken somewhere”. 100% uptime doesn't exist in complex systems!
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
YAY! A #ClimateChange question at #qconlondon at a non-climate change talk - the question is at a performance talk.

Using a profiler - that's a good point! Low hanging fruit.

"I work for ARM so I think we have it solved already" - Brilliant!
Profile profile profile is everything - It's about efficiency

Data Centres have gone beyond Aviation in carbon emissions... so we have to do something

#ClimateChange #qconlondon
Good follow up - not just efficiency in code... what else? #qconlondon #ClimateChange
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
Watching a talk on event drive architectures at #qconlondon #qcon. Interested simply to find out exactly how much #serverless simplifies everything.
Talking about Dash Buttons and how to work with them. Talking about decoupling services when a button is pressed. I think it's going to go down the road of explaining an event driven approach...
It's interesting to note that the speaker is talking about "services" that are created... in my mind, most of these things are incredibly simple Lambda functions.
Read 35 tweets

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