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Oct 24th 2022
On Twitter, in response to the #Rally4Ed in Edmonton, Jim Simpson @EMJS10 asked - When people say, ‘save public education’, what do they mean? What needs saving? Who needs saving?
A vital question requires an answer. What sets public school education apart? #ABEd @SOSAlberta
What characteristics & project makes public school education unique, vital, and attractive, compared to state-funded denominational education, charter and other private schools, or home schooling? Why does public school education have value worth defending? @schill_dawg #Ableg
Two caveats. First, this is a summary of more extensive arguments I have been making for more than 40 years. Second, I am describing the ideal system of public school and it doesn’t exist anywhere. But it is pursued with passion in many communities.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
This is your daily pension announcement. On the heels of the huge #Rally4Ed it may get lost that the tiny bit of public accountability for @aimcoinvests is this week.

This committee is having their annual public meeting.…
"The Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund invites all Albertans to its annual public meeting on Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 7 p.m. Attend in person at the Queen Elizabeth II Building, 9820-107 Street."
Needless to say, @aimcoinvests will be present to answer questions about why the value add was less than target both in 5 and 10 year periods. They had a great year last year.

I will be submitting some questions, or maybe going in-person. #AbLeg
Read 5 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
This is your daily pension announcement. The Pension War Room™️ attended a huge #Rally4Ed today. Teachers that were in the crowd expressed concern about pensions and #aimcoinvests. But really the focus was on why the UCP was dismantling a leading ed system. #AbLeg
If you recall: Dr. Bob published a critical review of the MacKinnon report that the UCP blindly followed.
His findings:

"Consultation and cooperation are not necessary in reaching the Panel’s findings and recommendations."…

"Uncritical acceptance of the government’s mandate and prescription that spending was out of control."

When in reality AB had more of a revenue problem than spending problem. #AbLeg
Read 4 tweets

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