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Mar 8th 2022
In the early Vedic period of Indian history, women’s education was given equal priority, despite the dominant preference of begetting sons in every household.A large number of young girls received both literary and cultural education.
The Rigveda contains hymns written by 27 women scholars. One of the prominent Brahmavadinis among these is Maitreyi. (Sanskrit: मैत्रेयी). Sage Maitreyi lived in ancient India during the later Vedic period (around the 8th century BCE).
She is renowned as one of the most intellectual and virtuous women philosophers of the Vedic period. She is also known as Brahmavadini, a scholar of the Vedas. The Rig Veda contains about one thousand hymns, of which 10 are accredited to Maitreyi.
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Jan 22nd 2022
Thread Of All My Threads.

Varanasi (Kashi)
Puri and more...
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Threads on the #GreatIndianWomen
Rani Tarabai
Rishi Gargi
Rani Chennamma
Onake Obbava
Uda Devi
Rani Avantibai Lodhi
Rani Durgavati
Rajmata Jijabai
Savitribai Phule and more...
Threads on
Meenakshi,Hoysala,Ellora caves,Virupaksha, Samadhishwara,Konark, Badavilinga,Kedarnath, Murudeshwar, Lingaraj,Brihadeeswara, Panch Kedar,12 Jyotirlingas,
Sri PadmanabhaSwamy,Tirupati Balaji, Arunachaleswara and more...
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Jan 11th 2021
#RajmataJijabai mother of Shivaji, the bravest Maratha ever. She devoted her entire life for the country and religion. She had wished if a leader could be born who could unite Hindus and longed that her son would do it!
Jijabai wished so because she saw people falling into poverty in the once rich land and the culture being disintegrated. She felt angry seeing men around her, who couldn't protect the women and the children. They couldn't protect the country and their religion.
When she was pregnant, she used to say this prayer - "O Mother of the Universe, give me some of your strength. Put an end to the pride of the Marathas in the shameful service to the Muslims. Grant our lands independence. Grant that my wish be fulfilled, O Mother."
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Mar 7th 2020
In latter days from Brahma came,
To rule our land, a noble dame,
Kind was her heart and bright her fame,
Ahilya was her honoured name,” - Joanna Baillie in honour of one of the greatest Maratha woman rulers, Ahilyabai.
Ahilyabai Holkar was born in the village of Chondi in Jamkhed, Ahmednagar in 1725. She was fondly referred to as Rajmata. She was the Holkar Queen of the Malwa kingdom. Her father, Mankoji Rao Shinde, was the Patil (chief) of the village.
Her father home schooled her. She was married to Khanderao Holkar in 1733 at the age of 8. Her husband was killed in the battle of Kumbher in 1754, leaving her a widow at 21. Her only son, Male Rao Holkar ascended the throne under her regency. He too died on 5th April, 1767.
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