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Feb 16th 2021
500K Americans died of #Covid! On #InaugurationDay it was 420K so they put one light on the #ReflectingPool at the #LincolnMemorial for each thousand deaths. It looked like this, but this isn't what 400K people look like! Doesn't look as shocking as 400K!…
In 1969 I went up to Max Yasgur's farm to sleep in the mud and sit on a hill overlooking a stage where #JanisJoplin, #JimiHendrix, and #JoanBaez played. So I know what 500 thousand people look like. They look like a sea of swaying humanity. There was no crime in #WoodstockNation
500 thousand Americans have died, and I think the number is just too incomprehensible, it's so big, it has lost it's meaning. I've found when I say, "500 thousand people have died!" somebody always asks, how many were supposed to die this year? Because they honestly do not know.
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