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Mar 16th 2023
@JPMorgan Says @FederalReserve Loans Will Provide $2 Trillion of Liquidity

Dat's another 10% on already overblown M1 supply.

Fer da #Retard(s), #Anon(s), #Pede(s), #Patriot(s) unfamiliar with the matter, that's how #QuantitativeEasing begins.
Da @USTreasury set up da program earlier dis month following a collapse of three lenders with the aim of preventing a #FireSale of sovereign debt and now da @FederalReserve is hesitant to further increase rates which is very bad for inflation.…
Dis is da part where #Inflation really gets out of control #Fren(s)

#CentralBanks have limited tools, like interest rate reduction, to influence economic growth. Without the ability to lower rates further, central banks must strategically increase the supply of money.
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