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Apr 24th 2023
(1) My mind is blown by AI image generation so I decided to put #midjourney to the test myself.

I decided to dress famous Indian political leaders in the top fashion labels of the world.

I called my experiment BJP in Vogue

Here are the results 🤯.

🧵 Image
(2) First up, I decided to try and style Narendra Modi in Gucci. I think that our PM looks suave AF rocking a vibrant orange #Gucci suit. #Gucci #NarendraModi #AIart ImageImageImage
(3) Sticking to the #Modi theme, I wanted to see how far I could take #midjourney . A world leader in a suit isn't all that impressive so what if I went for something more street. That resulted in the following images. #NaMo dressed in #Versace, #Offwhite and #Ovo 🤣 ImageImageImageImage
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