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Feb 1st 2020
Two recent editions by #Haydar_al_Hirz of polemics between the two branches of the #Shaykhiyya #MirzaBaqirUskui (d. 1884) against #MuhammadKarimKhanKermani (d. 1871) 1/ ImageImage
The #Shaykhiyya or perhaps rather the followers of #ShaykhAhmad_alAhsai (d. 1826) and then his successor in #Karbala #SayyidKazimRashti (d. 1843) split into two groups that polemically attacked each other 2/
Both were Persophone - one group settled around the Qajar notable #MuhammadKarimKhanKermani and his family and his major work #al_Fusul 3/
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