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A Thread🧵on various #IncomeTax #Deductions.

Must read for everyone.

A simple & legitimate way to to save taxes every year!

(RT to maximize reach.)

Money Saved is Money Earned !

#IncomeTax #Tax #ELSS #TaxSaving #Investing #TaxPlanning

Images Courtesy : Internet.
When the month of March starts or is about to end suddenly everyone remembers one thing #TaxSaving ...

This is where #TaxDeductions come into picture.

Deductions allowed under #IncomeTax act help you reduce your taxable income.
People normally know a bit about Section 80C Deduction which allows a person to claim a deduction of Rs 1.5 lakh on total income.

But there are various other common deductions which anyone can claim.

This thread is about such common deductions.
Read 23 tweets

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