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May 11th 2021
@Razarumi @murtazasolangi @M_Suharwardy @NadiaNaqi Excellent show today; most excellent ending, Raza. a) Everyone is still on the same page for the 10-Year Presidential/Army/Fascist/One-Party Rule: if not #Selectednikka, someone else. Note: there are many rats available: 2/
2/ @SMQ; #Shafqat_Mahmood; @JahangirKTareen (who is an old #DeepState man), etcetera; b) The only way forward is for democratic politicians to forget 'Mufahmat' (whatever THAT beast means, for Bloody Civilians and Generals are hardly equals!) and demand a new social contract 3/
3/ with the Political Generals, insisting on limiting them to the confines laid out in the Constitution. And then free and fair elections. NB: The condition that the country is in after 3-years of #nikka's ministrations does not lend itself to perpetuating this #Shitshow! 4/
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