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Aug 31st 2020
cop: can you describe the perpetrator?
james joyce: hooo boy how long you got?
Yeah yeah, I know you can think of other writers to use, but I went for Joyce because I tried all of the writers ever and he was the funniest
1 because he wrote ‘Portrait…’
2 because his writing is often considered obtuse (ie it’s not just about length)
3 the hooo boy suggests awareness of 2

Read 3 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
We did the first 'live fact check' of a flagship 'presidential debate' in Nigeria’s 58-year history at the British Council, Ikoyi during the pre-screening of Up North, the movie. The challenges, the adrenaline & the lessons. The THREAD. #ShowYourWorkings #Factchecking #FactCheck
@ngBritish @ngBritishArts @UKinNigeria @SussexUni @thecableng @MansurIB007 @mz_Awojulugbe @BudgITng While studying for my masters at @SussexUni, I had a google doc for my plans with @thecableng upon return to Nigeria. Whenever I had a new idea or anything close, I'd write it there & devise a plan to get it done, including things I needed to learn to get it done #FactChecking
@ngBritish @ngBritishArts @UKinNigeria @SussexUni @thecableng @MansurIB007 @mz_Awojulugbe @BudgITng @simonkolawole @D_Encourager @lotufodunrin @SussexNigSoc One of the ideas I had written was to have a live fact check of all the flagship presidential and guber debates in the country in 2018. This was why I returned to Nigeria in Sept as opposed to January 2019 (when my graduation was slated for). On my way to Heathrow. Ah, I suffered on this day, but that's story for another day.
Read 16 tweets

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