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Sep 30th 2020
This is the #greenwashing sound @RepBrianFitz makes to #PA01 when he is trying to avoid controversy because

👎🏾he won't say he doesn't support #StandDownStandBy Trump, and

👎🏾he is working with Bill Barr to crack down on antifa instead of deadly #WhiteNationalist violence
Here is #PA01's @RepBrianFitz's antifa crackdown letter from July 2019, *long* before any of the coordinated messaging and crackdown from Barr's DoJ and the Trump admin started:
#PA01: In a total contradiction of @RepBrianFitz's claim that his action (above☝️🏾) would "protect journalists", it was #ProudBoys/#WhiteNationalists--and "local police"❗️- who were harassing and physically attacking #journalists just days ago in Portland.
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