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Le 24/02/2022,@ZelenskyyUa a signé des décrets sur la mobilisation générale& introduction de la loi martiale dans le pays.Ces décrets ont été prolongés&complétés par @ZelenskyyUa le 1/05/2023,puis ils ont été approuvés par de nouvelles lois adoptées par le parlement #ukrainien. Image
"En #Ukraine️,il y avait des files d'attente aux bureaux d'enregistrement&d'enrôlement militaires&en #Russie,ils ont été traînés de force sur le champ de bataille"a fièrement déclaré @ZelenskyyUa.
"La mobilisation en #Ukraine️ se passe bien"a déclaré le secrétaire national&de la défense #ukrainien @OleksiyDanilov,c'est ainsi que les hommes #ukrainiens «se précipitent au bureau d'enrôlement militaire» dans toute l'#Ukraine️ :
Read 14 tweets
Après 2015,l'#UKRAINE reçoit une aide de plus de 15 milliards du #FMI
L’ #Ukraine️ a fait un défaut de paiement en 2015. @Lagarde avait contourné le règlement Image
Le #FMI accorde un prêt à un pays en guerre pour la 1ère fois de son histoire. Image
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🚨#BREAKING Russland hat im ganzen Land massive Razzien durchgeführt.

#RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaIsLosing #Russia #Russian #Ukraine️
Laut Quellen gegen ausländische Arbeitsmigranten.
Die Gründe oder Anklagepunkte für die Organisation einer solchen Aktion sind nicht bekannt.
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Judging from various reports, the #ukrainecounteroffensive seems to be a complete disaster, even though this is officially denied by the Western side.

But this analysis by Col. Richard Kemp of the #British military shows no expectations of success.

Col. Kemp uses cautious language, but it is easy to read between the lines. Being a retired Western Colonel, you don't expect him to come out and say openly that #Ukraine️ is going to lose. But that is exactly what he is saying.

Let me explain why the conclusion is clear.

His main points:

1. Surprise is essential for success.

But of course, there is no surprise here. The whole world has been expecting this operation for months. There are no unexpected lines of attack like #Incheon in the #KoreanWar in 1950.

Read 11 tweets
#BREAKING Russia has launched massive raids on foreign migrant workers across the country. The grounds or charges for organizing such an action are not known.

#RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaIsLosing #Russia #Russian #Ukraine️
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Interesting observation from the war in #Ukraine️:

#Russia may be experiencing substantial supply issues of Kontakt-1 basic explosive reactive armour (ERA).

ERA is a vital component of Russian armour protection and was generally believed to be readily available. Image
Several telegram channels are looking for Russians who can produce the metal containers for Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour (ERA) or spare some materials for them.

They post the machine drawings and of these containers, and recruiting machine shops who could produce them. ImageImage
Some quotes from Russian channels:
"the tankers are unable to get any [Kontakt-1]".

Apparently from the Donetsk area: "[we] need 3000 pieces of remote sensing elements [ERA] plus monthly expense in battles is 1000-1200 pieces"
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Peace treaty draft shown by Putin to African leaders is consistent with statements by ex-Israeli prime-minister & Ukrainian & US officials & media reports concerning content of peace talks with #Ukraine. But shown Russian version is dated few days after US & UK blocked talks. ImageImage
Thread with statements by ex-Israeli prime-minister & Ukrainian & US officials & media reports concerning Russia - #Ukraine peace deal. Shown Russian version dated few days after US & UK blocked talks contains differences in Ukraine & Russia positions.
Peace deal draft, which included neutrality of #Ukraine️ & Western & Russian security guarantees, is also generally consistent with written proposals that Ukrainian negotiators gave to Russian counterparts in Istanbul on March 29, 2022.…
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La #Russie n'utilisera ses armes nucléaires que si elle est confrontée à une menace existentielle,a déclaré le président russe @VlaPoutine lors du Forum économique international de #SaintPétersbourg le 16 juin
Répondant à une question sur sa position sur l'utilisation d'armes nucléaires tactiques à faible rendement comme moyen de dissuasion,@VlaPoutine a souligné que son attitude à l'égard de l'idée d'utiliser de telles armes était négative&a pointé la doctrine nucléaire de #Moscou. Image
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Le 17 juin,le ministère #russe de la Défense a annoncé qu'il avait ciblé des centres de décision dans la capitale #ukrainienne, #Kiev. Image
Pendant ce temps,dans la direction de #Zaporozhye,les troupes #russes ont repoussé 3 attaques près des colonies de #Zherebianka, #Malaya #Tokmachka & #Mirnoye. Image
Dans cette direction,les forces de #Kiev ont perdu 340 soldats #ukrainiens,un véhicule de combat d'infanterie,2 véhicules blindés de combat,5 véhicules à haute mobilité&2 obusiers #D30. Image
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Piégé par 2 comédiens #russes, @fhollande dérape&détruit la version officielle sur l’ #Ukraine️…
#Flamby @fhollande tombe,une nouvelle fois,dans le panneau😳 Image
Quand unintervenant lui fait remarquer que selon Angela Merkel les accords de #Minsk ont permis à l’#Ukraine️ de gagner du temps pour son armée&se préparer à la guerre contre la #Russie,le président français,pensant s’adresser à l'ex président #ukrainien,approuve sans réserve. Image
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1/35 Daily #Ukraine️ map summary for Sun 11th June

Highlights: Ukraine liberated Neskuchne and Blahodatne. Storozheve and Makarivka are likely next, just awaiting confirmation.

However, more new Ukrainian vehicle losses north of Robotyne again.

Map: Velyka Novosilka Direction ...
2/35 Russian car destroyed by FPV drone Zelya 124 east of Bakhmut
Coordinates: 48.607594, 38.067238
Map view:…
3/35 Immaterium group spots Russian position near Myrne for artillery
Coordinates: 47.562926, 36.093052
Map view:…
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Yet again, a plain-talking Scholz, responding to calls from the audience for negotiations: "Negotiations are fine. The question is who negotiates with whom about what. What is unacceptable is that🇺🇦is forced to accept Putin's territorial raid and... " (strong applause) /1
"... and that part of🇺🇦territory is simply turned into🇷🇺. That, in all honesty, is President Putin's plan. (...) He wants to build another🇷🇺empire. He thinks his country is not large enough. To him, 🇺🇦+🇧🇾are part of Russia, as he has told us time and again." /2
"This is the goal of his war. In this, he shall not succeed." (Applause)
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Raport z frontu. W regionie Chersonia i Nowej Kachowki w ostatnich dział bardzo intensywnie działa artyleria oraz siły specjalne UA. Duża część wysp na Dnieprze znajduję się pod kontrolą sił UA, aczkolwiek nie są tam ulokowane duże jednostki, tylko pojedyncze posterunki. 1/ Image
Od dłuższego czasu siły ukraińskie w tym regionie prowadzą działania polegające na odsunięciu wojsk rosyjskich od bezpośredniego brzegu rzeki. Są pewne regiony rzeki, gdzie wojska rosyjskie wycofały się na linie obrony położone kilkaset metrów od koryta rzeki. 2/
Nikopol - siły UA prowadzą ostrzał terenów położonych na południe od koryta rzeki, aczkolwiek w ostatnim czasie działania tego typu osłabły. Sam Nikopol co jakiś czas jest atakowany przez artylerię rosyjską. 3/ Image
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Zelensky's evening address:

The maximum attention is given to situations on the front line, in all those points where it is currently the toughest. I will not talk about it in more detail: the actions of our state, the active actions of our soldiers will say what is needed.
I also held a meeting regarding the training of our new brigades, those that are accumulating strength from the north to the south of our country.
Today, I especially want to mention the 92nd separate mechanized brigade - all the soldiers of this brigade, who are extremely steadfastly defending the Svatovi direction and successfully repelling enemy attacks while moving forward. Thank you, warriors!
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US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet shares bombshell details on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs:
#biolabs #US #Ukraine️
1. It originally started in 2005 with the Defence Intelligence Agency, which created a 501 C3 (non-profit as per US IRS laws) called the Global Viral Forecasting Institute with a Mossad Operative named Nathan Wolfe which became Metabiota.
#biolabs #US #Ukraine️
2. This was funded by Rosemont, an investment firm, where Hunter Biden was the head of the firm, along with Christopher Heinz (John Kerry’s son) and Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s son.
#biolabs #US #Ukraine️
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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 19-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
«O υπερπολυτελής συρμός ΔΕΝ ανήκει στον πρόεδρο της #Ουκρανίας #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι»

«Ο ισχυρισμός κρίνεται #αναληθής. Τα υπερπολυτελή βαγόνια που απεικονίζονται στις φωτογραφίες δεν αποτελούν το εσωτερικό κάποιου τρένου που ανήκει στον #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι. [1/2]
Οι εικόνες προέρχονται από υλικό που κυκλοφόρησε το 2015 από το εσωτερικό επιβατικών βαγονιών που δημιούργησε η εταιρεία #Ukrainian #Railways στα πλαίσια διεξαγωγής διαδρομών με αυξημένες παροχές.» [2/2]…
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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 12-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Ukraina #mordowała ludność #Donbasu i #Ługańska? #Fałsz (#Ukraine #murdered the people of #Donbass and #Lugansk? Falsehood)”

“Narracja o #ukraińskich #zbrodniach na #ludności Donbasu i Ługańska, które poprzedzało łamanie praw tamtejszych mieszkańców #Ukrainy, [1/4]
to element rosyjskiej propagandy, a #Putin przedstawia się jako obrońca ludności tego regionu. W naszym serwisie wielokrotnie pisaliśmy, że takich opinii nie potwierdzają żadne #fakty. [2/4]
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Les trolls pro-ukraine comme @escortert refusent d'admettre que l'Ukraine perde l'initiative.
Que font-ils pour parer à cela ?
Ils montrent des images d'incendies en Russie pour monter un chaos.
Prenons celui-ci. Qu'est-ce qui pose problème ?
#Ukraine️ #Russie
@escortert 1- La localisation
La ville de Tioumen, située dans l'oblast du même nom, est à environ... 1900km de l'Ukraine. Donc n'a probablement aucun lien avec la guerre russo-ukrainienne.
@escortert 2-L'activité industrielle de la ville
La ville de Tyumen est spécialisée dans l'industrie du pétrole. Donc un incendie là-bas est tout à fait normal (le pétrole étant inflammable...)
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Likes and subscriptions to everyone who writes a COMMENT, RT or LIKES 🤠 Let's do mutual aid to everyone who will participate in this tweet! Let's go 😏

#Ukraine️ #Україна #NAFO #NAFOfellas
#NAFOmemes, please :) ⬇️⬇️⬇️
What are you doing rn? :)
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Brisant: Das Kreml-Komplott, um extreme Linke & Rechte zu vereinen & 🇩🇪 Unterstützung für 🇺🇦 zu untergraben
"Mindestens 1 #Wagenknecht nahestehende Person & mehrere #AfD-Mitglieder waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ausarbeitung der Pläne in Kontakt mit 🇷🇺 Beamten"…
"Die Dokumente zeigen Treffen zwischen Kreml-Beamten & russischen Politstrategen sowie die Anweisung an die Strategen...sich auf #Deutschland zu konzentrieren, um Antikriegsstimmung in Europa zu stärken & die Unterstützung für die #Ukraine zu dämpfen"…
"Die Dokumente...zeigen die direkten Versuche des Kremls...eine neue Koalition zwischen #Wagenknecht, der extremen Linken & #AfD zu schmieden...🇩🇪 sollte zum 'Brennpunkt' von Moskaus Bemühungen werden, die Unterstützung für 🇺🇦 in Europa zu untergraben."…
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Raport z frontu.

Kupiańsk - nie ma większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. Siły RUS i UA są w defensywie pomimo faktu, że obecnie jest mniej błota niż kiedyś. RUS mają tutaj liczne siły (szczególnie piechoty), ale raczej ocenić je można jakoś "mocno defensywne". 1/ Image
Swatowo. Podobnie sytuacja wygląda jak w regionie Kupiańska, aczkolwiek tutaj UA na południe od Kuzemiwki podjęło działania zaczepne. Siłom UA chodziło jednak tylko i wyłącznie o poprawę linii frontu. RUS mają w tym regionie masę piechoty. 2/ Image
Kreminna. UA trwale powstrzymało kilka tygodni ataki RUS w tym regionie. Następnie miała miejsce sytuacja patowa. Obecnie, siły UA bardzo ostrożnie i bez pośpiechu zdobywają teren w kierunku wschodnim. Były nawet plotki o wejściu UA do Czerwonopopiwki, ale nie ma na to dowodu. 3/ Image
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As Chin. President #XiJinping visits Moscow, what signals #China and #Russia are sending each other, the world, and re #UkraineRussianWar? Comparison of statements 🧵:
1.Both Xi and Putin published articles in leading media, Putin in @PDChina and Xi in @rianru. Some diff.: 1/20
On #CH-#RU ties, Xi repeats the Chinese definition of ties: "China and Russia are committed to no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party in developing our ties.坚持不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方“。 2/20 CH:…
Russian President #Putin, on the other hand, REPEATS the "NO LIMITS" 提法/formula from 2022: Russia-China ties "surpass Cold War-time military-political alliances in their quality, with no one to constantly order and no one to constantly obey, without limitations or taboos." 3/20
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Transferring frozen Russian reserves would be morally right, strategically wise and politically expedient — particularly with a restive U.S. Congress.

Read our @PostOpinions column with Philip Zelikow and Robert Zoellick #Ukraine️ #Russia…
There is elegant justice in using Russia's state funds, now lying idle, to counter the cost of Moscow's destruction.
Govts would have plenty of legal justification to move ahead.

Those who hold Russian assets are entitled, under int'l law of state countermeasures for a grave breach of int'l law, to cancel their obligations to Russian state & apply Russian state funds to pay what Russia owes
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