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May 3rd 2022
In Jan 2020, 5 months in to my PhD program, I had an abortion. I lucked out that there weren’t protesters at planned parenthood that day. I cried myself to sleep that night and took a cume the following morning. I didn’t pass it. 1/7
It was a tough decision for me. I’d been married almost 8 y at the time & have the most wonderful daughter. But I was less than 8 weeks along and already vomiting everyday. I was already struggling to afford daycare costs. I didn’t see a way forward. 2/7
Maybe I could have made it work, but I know I couldn’t have preformed at the level I’ve preformed my PhD thus far. Not to mention the challenge of child care in a COVID world. And what about my other child? The opportunities I could give her would be markedly less. 3/7
Read 17 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
@BestSalesTips @GaringerAngela Being a "token" woman in sales in the 70s and 80s meant dealing with the #RumorMill about why she was hired! But Kemper says she was motivated to make other #womeninsales proud and make it from salesperson to management within 2 years of being hired. #InspiringWomenLeaders
@BestSalesTips @GaringerAngela She saw herself at the top right from the beginning, and she persevered and insisted on being taken seriously as a #leader! Believe in yourself, set your goals, don't listen to the No's! "If we listened to the No's, we wouldn't have the leaders we do today."
Read 13 tweets
Apr 9th 2019
Oh wow! Already gotten three gentlemen who sent $1.

To be clear: all dollars collected in this here humorous schematic will be donated to @CasaRubyDC, which advocates for transgender folks in the D.C. metropolitan area.
Wow, this escalated quickly. ❤️🔥
Also, can we talk about our trans brother Sam Garman being all about that solidarity?! 🔥🔥🔥
Read 11 tweets

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