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Nov 26th 2019
11 years after #26/11 #MumbaiTerrorAttack the days & months after are forever etched in my memory. Many things shall go unsaid but share some thoughts, what can be shared. Walked into my home to hear of some terror attack & a senior cop killed & the visuals filled the TV. My 1st
reaction was - that isnt a bullet proof jacket. Technically it was maybe but it didnt stand a chance to protect against modern weapons. The bullets would go through like knife through butter. Even as I watched got a call - did we supply those jackets? No. Cops fighting with no
protection, can you arrange for free supplies? Thanks to @RNTata2000 & his large heart we supplied free protective gear for the next 72 hrs loading stuff on every flight to #Mumbai Airlines refused to accept money. My team was running around in the midst of the chaos till a DCP
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