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Aug 3rd 2021
#Bhudeswari or #Neel-Saraswati ,appears in a lustrous dark blue color shining like ten million suns, she is cool like ten million moons and her sudden appearance seems like ten million lightning flashes. She is enriched with all types of knowledge existing in this Universe.
Maharshi Vasistha", who was the son of Lord Brahma (creator of the Universe), introduced the worship procedure of Goddess Tara, therefore #Maa is also well known as "Vasistharadhita".
She is the abode of every knowledge in the entire Universe.
To get a sight of the Lotus Feet of the Mahavidya or Goddess, one has to practice Sadhana at the place where the third eye of #Sati mata had fallen and where #Dwarka river is flowing in north direction. Now this place is well known as #Tarapeeth .

#Hinduism 🚩
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