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Aug 22nd 2022
There’s nothing to celebrate, @laneygradschool . The upcoming year will feature #StarvationWages and institutionalized abuses for #gradstudents, same as any other. Bring your government issued ID and turn the beer bottles into Molotov cocktails. 🍾🔥 TODAY!!!!
❤️‍🔥 #antivost
@emoryDSAC we are running out of time before the start of the fiscal year. are you gonna rage against this fucking machine or not? @ravibell and @Kimjacobarriola are banking on your (continued) silence and complacency. Rob that bank.
#phdlife is a picnic, for sure for sure
Read 11 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
🦖 ¡Descubren un nuevo dinosaurio en #Argentina! 😱
🔎 El #CONICET halló los restos fósiles del MERAXES GIGAS, un dinosaurio carnívoro GIGANTE que vivía en lo que hoy es #NEUQUÉN 📍
👑 Si sos fan de #GameOfThrones probablemente reconozcas su nombre 👉 Así se llamaba uno de los dragones de la Casa #Targaryen 🐲 y los investigadores dijeron que el dinosaurio es "como un dragón dormido" 👏
Read 7 tweets

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