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Apr 4th 2020
We promise we will show up no matter what. And yes, you can still come to church in your pajamas. Almost everybody is doing that during this lockdown.😊 So, stay connected and be a part of a great time of worship, word and fellowship this Sunday with your family and friends. Image
Whatever category you're, we have got you covered. Swipe left, so you see. Parents can spend more screen time with their kids, and teenagers aren't left out. Image
Do remember to like or subscribe to any of our digital platforms -YouTube, Facebook & Twitter (ElevationNG) so you don't miss a thing.

#ChurchOnline #TecTeenz #ChildrensChurch #Seeds #ElevationNG #Covid19Out Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Excerpts from my talk- "WhoAmI?" at the #Navigate2018 Conference.
"If you are often very negative, it's possible you're dealing with low self-image. Your self-esteem or self-image does not depend on how you look."
#Pgeeman #TheBornIdentity #Tecteenz #BornIdentity
Ëveryone wants to associate with something good and the best of them is God.
#pgeeman #Navigate2018 #BornIdentity #TheBornIdentity #TecTeenz
A person with low self-image has a pessimistic outlook about life and if you don't build your self-image, more often than not you will lose focus on what God has planned for you.

#pgeeman #Navigate2018 #BornIdentity #TheBornIdentity #TecTeenz
Read 7 tweets

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