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Feb 2nd 2023
#TheEducationOfMissJoon Day 1 Notes :

1st, I'd like to apologize for thinking this was gonna be a simple cinematic experience that I'd so blithely undertake instead of the viscerally emotional endeavor I can already see it's going to be.
I consider myself educated & not the least bit naïve but I am ONE episode into the #1619Project & already realizing how wrong I was @ how much I knew. As a product of public education & after only ONE episode, I have a greater understanding of the abject failure my education was.
We have been duped! A concerted effort has been made to keep us ignorant. I get how most ⬜s feel blindsided by these discoveries. It's CLEAR suppressing history is NOT a new tactic of ⬜ supremacists. We have been lied to for CENTURIES.
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