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I guess once the not safe for EU labels start rolling out, Billingsgate Market will need an E-Coli section for UK consumption only.
Just so the @Conservatives can feed the UK more shit, we have the #SewageScandal #CovidEnquiry #Profiteering #NHSCrisis #PartyGate #BrexitDisaster
Any more shit?

But we all know what your doing wrong

We need a
A government that thinks of people not their pockets and profits Image
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
It's nearly here, tomorrow is going to be the day, the voice you've been shouting into the abyss will finally be heard, let's show the Nasty Party how we feel about the abhorrent way they have treated nurses, teachers, junior doctors.
every day proving none of us have value to them unless your a big business or a donor.
Please vote, every vote counts.
Vote tactfully, a quick google search will show you who best to vote for to get the Nasty Paty out of your town.
I don't know about you but I've had
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If you don't care that's fine, but what about your children? ,
Your grandchildren? .
Want to keep the NHS.... dont vote Tory
Want them to be able to see a dentist, .....dont vote Tory
Don't want sewage in our rivers and seas.... Don't vote Tory
Do you want your children to have their own home.... Don't vote for Tory
Do you accept the lies, racism, fascism and gaslighting coming from this government?, if you don't .. Don't vote Tory
Don't think nurses should be forced to work without a decent pay rise. Don't vote Tory
Want more police officers on the street.. Don't vote Tory
Do you want an end to the cost of living crisis.. Don't vote Tory
Do you want our essential services to be financed properly.. Don't vote Tory
Please add your own there are so many.
Only two days now to show the
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There is sewage in our rivers. Covid is also polluting our air in indoor spaces. We are not being informed, all the Public Health guidance is based on droplets it’s incorrect #COVIDisAirborne Please watch..
Dr Fauci giving a recent talk on Covid. We need air filters in schools. Covid is not a mild virus there are long term health risks.
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It's heartbreaking that the government have offered a 5% pay to NHS workers rise for next year!
What happened to this year? I knew they would do this, I knew they were playing for time.
It's fucking disrespectful that they're going to give them a one-off payment they know
t will affect their benefits.
This sticks in my throat, hard-working NHS workers are claiming benefits! , just absorb that for a minute, people working day and night in our health service,they knew this will happen they have no regard for NHS workers it's a fucking insult, I'm
so angry and sad at the same time.πŸ’”
Shame on this nasty disrespectful odious Government.
Fuck the Tories!.
#ToriesDevoidOfShame #ToriesOut253 #SupportTheStrikes
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
What a fucking travesty the budget was, as we approach April when tax is increasing to a 70-year high @Jeremy_Hunt gives yet more to the top 1% of this country, nothing for essential services, I wish they would call a general strike right
Across the country I would support it no matter how inconvenient, one out all out!, time to show these fuckers we mean business, don't let them get to April so they can say, but we are in another tax year now.
Time for change. Time to stand up time for a
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Jeremy Hunt : "13 years ago, we inherited an economy which had crashed"

13 years ago the Tories inherited a AAA+ national credit rating

It's since been downgraded ** 7 TIMES ** under the Tories

#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #Budget2023

Just to add, Sunak, the current Tory Prime Minister, had some responsibility for the crash in 2008

He brought down Dutch bank ABN Amro, which led to the bailout of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)


Javid, the previous Tory chancellor, shares some responsibility for the crash in 2008 too

He was gambling on toxic debt while at Deutsche Bank


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Merseyside Pensioners, Trade Unionists, Anti-fascist and faith groups gather outside the Suites Hotel in Knowsley as a show of support and solidarity for the #Refugees temporarily housed there. The peaceful gathering was in response to threats from far right and fascist groups.
Contrary to some media reports those supporting the refugees DID NOT clash with the police or cause any disturbance. #Merseyside has a proud record of welcoming those fleeing from oppression. Fascists are not welcome. #RefugeesWelcome
Fascists have been trying to intimidate the #Refugees & stir up hatred. Our determination to welcome these vulnerable people will continue despite the hostile environment created by the government. #RefugeesWelcome #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Racism is not welcome! @UnitedWeStandSN
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Happy 1st February have a great day πŸ˜€
Brexit will forever be the thing that destroyed this country, along with the stinking rotten Tories who care for no one but themselves and their donors, never have we had a more corrupt, lying, selfish,
self-serving government than this who spend so much time gaslighting this country I'm surprised they have time for anything else, we must not give up, and we must not become overwhelmed we are #StrongerTogether we must #SupportTheStrikes we need a #GeneralElectionNow
Along with stopping the #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry because they are #ToriesUnfitToGovern we need the #ToriesOut209 Now! #EnoughlsEnough #NotMovingOn
@threadreaderapp please unroll
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞🌸
What a week its been.
The Tories are continuing their gaslighting and lying ,some things never change.
I'm hoping everyone understands the INDEPENDENT pay review is NOT! I'll repeat NOT! independent ,
It will not cost Β£28 billion to give essential
Services a decent payrise.
In actual fact it's approx Β£14 billion.
where is Michelle Mone? Could she could pay back the money she stole?, then we could pay essential services a decent payrise.
It's time for change, it's time for a #GeneralElectionNow #EnoughlsEnough
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞🌸
What a sad sad day for the UK, hailed as hero's during the pandemic,this government has finally broken them.
I support the nurse's 1000 %.
They are hero's not villains,this government are the villains!,its time for us to support them now.
Time to
Stepp UK!.claps don't pay bills!.
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Evidence is emerging that the government intervened just as a deal was being agreed with the rail workers that stopped the deal going ahead,why would they do that?
Why does the government want these strikes?the unions aren't greedy their defending
People who literally can't afford to live,the gasligting is increasing we need to be very aware,we are #StrongerTogether it's going to be harder in the coming weeks/months. #SupportTheStrikes #FairPayForAll #FairPayforNursing
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I remember as a child being hungry, really hungry, it gives you a physical pain in your stomach,I remember being so excited as lunch time approached knowing I was getting a meal,it was a free school meal,I didn't know that I was a child, my parents both worked,
how? why?are we
Back here? why are little children feeling that pain in their tummies? it hurt really hurt,how are this government allowed to force physical pain on little children?,this is child cruelty I thought that was illegal! this is detestable abhorrent and evil it needs to stop now!
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Waiting for the autumn statement tomorrow is causing so much anxiety,we already have children going hungry in a country that's one of the richest in the world, MP'S have their food,their alcohol, council tax ,rent,energy bills paid for by the very
Families this children belong to,a third of children in the uk living in poverty, 1 in 3,for every class of thirty children in any classroom ten will come from a family living in poverty,lots of these children have working parents, RS talks about growth,prosperity,jobs, but these
Families have jobs,the Tories have destroyed this countries finances, essential services,they actively encourage facism and racism,they brought us poverty and hopelessness, things are going to get worse so much worse the only answer is a #GeneralElectionNow we need a government
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Happy 1st November
As more information comes out of government its obvious its even worse at Manston where a report about the conditions was prepared in July, over 3 months ago,but it took a petrol bomb,for people to finally talk about it,people
Sleeping on camping mats including little children,an inspector of prisons did the inspection he said the government should get a grip! They can't use the toilet without permission,they aren't allowed their phones,they can't access fresh air where 75% would be given permission to
Stay if they were processed, let's look at the @Conservatives response @SuellaBraverman saying this is an invasion on the south coast 😳 what an awful dramatic way to describe it but it gets the desired affect doesn't it, people up in arms about people some of who are trying to
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
@RishiSunak doesn't like his family being attacked eg: his wife's nomdom status but we all know he's going to attack ours from every angel with his leadership and budget,they ask why were angry,it makes no difference what colour you are ,what religion
You are,if your a good honest person with integrity and honour that's what matters,considering @SuellaBraverman is back spreading her toxic views for anyone willing to listen it's just more of the same,honestly #EnoughIsEnough #DemocracyMatters #GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOut1112
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Austerity is now definitely coming back, 2022 is going to be remembered as the year the @Conservatives put the finishing touches to destroying our country, we will never recover from this unless an immediate #GeneralElectionNow is called #EnoughIsEnough @trussliz is worse than
Johnson who ever thought that was possible not me,@Jeremy_Hunt saying we have difficult decisions to make, NO! @Jeremy_Hunt the decision is easy #GeneralElectionNow it's time the citezens of the United Kingdom had their say, that's what democracy is, as for @trussliz you can say
She's not up to the job along with some quite disgusting things but you voted her in #ToriesThisIsOnYou,it's time the people of the uk were allowed to democratically vote in who we want to run our once great country #GeneralElectionNow
#EnoughlsEnough #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
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The @Conservatives infighting is ridiculous you voted her in!
she told you before she was elected what she was going to do,did you assume she was lying like the majority of you?.
she's destroyed the Β£, mortgage rates have soared,the bank of England had to bail the government
62 billion deficit, how are you going to find that?,no matter how much they lie we all know their going to cut public spending,haven't we suffered enough, isn't it way past time for #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis we didn't #ToriesThisIsOnYou do the right thing
#GeneralElectionNow #EnoughIsEnough it's time you listened to the citezens of this countrry,#EnoughIsEnough seriously don't make us suffer anymore,Truss is going to u turn again isn't she,honestly get this πŸ’© show gone #EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionNow
I support all the
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There's no democracy in this country anymore,anyone who believes there is is foolish,we didn't vote for @trussliz or her policies,can't you see Tory voters, your not being heard the same as we aren't being heard,it's not us against you, it's all of us against this stinking rotten
Government,everything sacred for us all is being destroyed,fracking is unethical,dangerous and won't help us,they say their going to put it to local communities to vote and will only do it if the local community support it,but are hiring a private company to do this,who in the
Tory Party has a vested interest in that company? one or more of them will that's for sure,you know it I know it,it's not right wing against left wing,if you openly admit to being right wing I hope you know what that means,being left wing only means we care about
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@KwasiKwarteng if you get it and you are listening, LISTEN!!! to the public, we want a #GeneralElectionNow #EnoughIsEnough we've had enough of your government's rot and corruption helping the rich, donor's, bankers,it's time for change we want a government working for the whole
Country,the majority not the minority #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry time for you all to go #ToriesOut88 #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesThisIsOnYou our country is crumbling #AreyouReallyATory do you all condone what your doing to our once great country? #ToriesOut88 #ToriesOut88
@threadreaderapp please unroll
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I'm starting this tweet with a photo this is my brother he died during one of the lockdows,he died alone and scared #ToriesThisIsOnYou ,while he died alone and scared you @Conservatives partied #AreyouReallyATory do you condone this behaviour? If you don't
#LeaveTheNastyPartyBehind,stand up for what's right for the people of Britain,for what's good and honourable #ToriesComeHome.
When my brother was dying I struggled to do the right thing I wanted to be with him so much,but I did the right thing so he died alone and scared
#ToriesThisisonyou #LeaveTheNastyPartyBehind I was a fool,@Conservatives don't respect lives not even in death,@Conservatives couldn't even respect our queen in one of the most difficult times of her life.#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry our pride,our dignity,our families
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Let's just hope and pray @JoeBiden talks some sense into @trussliz today and she abandons her ridiculous policy of trickle down,everyone knows it doesn't work,since the beginning of the pandemic the rich have got richer, the poor have got poorer,if trickle down works why hasn't
It worked so far?,this is just @trussliz standing behind their banner of trickle down so they can continue the @Conservatives policy of making the rich richer,we see you @Conservatives we are not so easily fooled as you think,watch what happens in the coming months ,their going
To take, sell off as much as they can before they lose the next General Election,tax cuts to benefit the rich,bankers bonuses, energy companies,its all there,always remember they are few we are many!,stronger together! ✊️ #ToriesOut76 #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #EnoughIsEnough
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