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Jan 3rd 2020
In 2020, we will celebrate a number of historic European milestones − speeches, agreements and key moments that made the 🇪🇺 EU what it is today.

Get a taste of what’s to come! ↓
7️⃣0️⃣ years of the Schuman Declaration.
On 9 May 1950, French foreign minister Robert Schuman proposed to integrate the coal and steel industries of western Europe, paving the way towards the creation of the EU.

6️⃣5️⃣ and 3️⃣5️⃣ years of the European flag. 🇪🇺
In 1955, the Council of Europe adopted the blue flag with 12 gold stars as its emblem.

In 1985, it was adopted by all EU leaders as the official emblem of the European Communities, later to become the European Union.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is turning 1️⃣0️⃣ on 1 December!

It promotes and protects the rights of people across Europe, no matter their origin or differences.

The Charter has 5️⃣4️⃣ Articles. Read on and find out what some of them entail ↓ #ThisIsTheEU
@EU_Justice @EURightsAgency Article 2️⃣: Prohibition of capital punishment

The death penalty is an affront to human dignity.
It constitutes cruel and inhuman treatment that is forbidden in all circumstances and for all cases.
#ThisIsTheEU More →!df79Jf
@EU_Justice @EURightsAgency Article 4️⃣: Prohibition of torture

Torture and ill-treatment have no place in the EU.
It is non-negotiable under international law.
We remain the leading actor in the global fight against torture.
#ThisIsTheEU More →!RU36bg
Read 14 tweets
Aug 3rd 2019
If we stay in the EU, we can eat Xmas food at Xmastime. If #ChaosBrexit happens, “This could leave British shoppers having to turn to the likes of turkey, stuffing and pigs-in-blankets as regular fresh food supplies run low.” H/t @MrSandy_P /52
If we stay in the EU, cancer patients can continue to have treatment with certain radioactive isotopes. These are as unstable as a Slytherin Tory cabinet minister and cannot be stockpiled. H/t @Dr_PhilippaW /53
If we stay in the EU, we can spend £100m between now and Hallowe’en – more than 2x what Proctor & Gable will spend in that time says @kacidama – on sexy shit such as the NHS, transport, education, jobs, housing and cool Hallowe’en costumes.
Read 127 tweets

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