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Jun 12th 2023
[#LukeJamie #Threadfic #SF6 ] 1/?

It's after hours at the Buckler training center. Two men are fighting. Each throwing punches and kicks like their lives depend on it.

All over a simple wager.

"The loser has to do whatever the winner wants."
And so it begins! Hehe =w=)+
I plan to write two endings for this, but first, I want to know which you all want to see first. So here's a poll. I set it for 3 days so I can get a work on both of the endings a bit more.

Have fun!
And Jamie wins! Alrighty. I'll start posting his ending now ☆w☆
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Sep 14th 2022
Shen Jiu sighs laughing as tears fall down "are you done playing Luo Binghe?" he gives a sardonic smile "after all these decades, you're still calling me shizun? Just how long do you want to continue this dream?"
LBH looks up baffled. "Sh-shizun?What do you mean"
Shen Jiu hummed, fiddling w/the tip of his sword watching LBH's blood pool on the floor.
"Im not sure LBH, emperor of 3 realms, harem owner of 3000,sole owner of Xin Mo, and my murder ."

Shen Jiu smiled, the 1st genuine smile he has in the past half decade, but it was all teeth
LBH turned deathly pale, how h-how did he know-....
Shen Jiu threw Xiuya down into the abyss shrugging at LBH's shocked expression.
"if anything Luo Binghe, i hoped you enjoyed my performance enough to release me. I'm not quite sure i was the 'kind' shizun you were looking 4,but-
Read 13 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
The first time Sakusa experiences cute aggression, he is…disconcerted, to put it mildly. He has no idea what the feeling is or where it came from. It happens when he’s brushing Atsumu’s hair off his forehead.
He just finished getting him cleaned up after pounding him into the mattress, and both of them are exhausted and ready for sleep. Atsumu leans into his touch, nuzzling against his hand and giving him a blissed-out smile. His heart patters, and then the strangest thing happens.
The image of a sleepy, sated Atsumu travels from his eyes to his brain, where the information is processed. This is adorable, his brain tells him. Bite it.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
Sakusa doesn’t know how to ask for touch. Up until this point in his life, it hasn’t been a problem. His parents stopped hugging him around adolescence, and his siblings never felt the need to express affection through physical gestures. It didn’t bother him, not really.
Occasionally, his teammates would pat him on the back, and that was fine. Maybe even nice. Just a quick moment of connection, never skin to skin. Komori likes to throw an arm around his shoulder whenever they’re together, and Sakusa doesn’t mind.
He wouldn’t go so far as to say he likes it, but he doesn’t feel the need to shake the touch off as soon as it happens.

But with Atsumu, he wants.

He craves the other man’s touch like it’s the world’s most addictive drug.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
It starts during warm-ups. A wing spiker from the opposing team starts trash talking across the net. It's pretty standard, as far as trash-talking goes, but the majority of it seems to be targeted at Atsumu. The setter ignores it, throwing out a few barbs of his own.
The spiker is immediately on the Jackal's shit list, and they vow to shut down every ball he tries to get over the net.

Around the middle of the first set, they rotate, and it puts Atsumu and the spiker directly across each other. That's when things take a turn.
Sakusa can't hear what's being said, but he can recognize the growing tension in Atsumu's body. He sees the way his shoulders creep up towards his ears and the way his jaw hardens. He sees Atsumu shake it off the moment the ball is airborne.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
While staying at a hotel for an away game, Hinata gets a brilliant idea for social media fanservice. A famous skincare brand, courting him for an ad campaign, sent a box of products for him to try.
The box includes creams, serums, and animal face sheet masks. Hinata convinces Bokuto, Atsumu, and Sakusa that they should do a live while wearing the masks, saying the face will love it.
Bokuto and Atsumu jump on board immediately, and Sakusa does after considering the havoc travel wrecks on his skin. He usually packs a few sheet masks of his own, but Atsumu distracted him while he was getting his things together.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
#threadfic | gen | miyas being miyas lol

“PRO VOLLEYBALL PLAYER TAKES A JAB AT LOCAL RESTAURANT, DINERS ENRAGED,” the headline read, startling Suna into nearly dropping his phone.
When he’d opened Twitter to scroll through his feed for a few, mind-numbing minutes before his morning run with Motoya, he was not expecting his best friend to be trending. So, out of curiosity, he clicked the tag, and sort of regretted it immediately.

Only sort of, though.

“‘Miya Atsumu, starting setter for the MSBY Black Jackals,’” he read aloud, getting Motoya’s attention, “‘is under fire today for making a series of disparaging tweets about a local onigiri restaurant.’”

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