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Sep 3rd 2022
Dear Indians, I'm a big movie buff, please read/watch this thread about 10 important reasons to boycott the Brahmastra movie. Kindly don't waste your money in 1000s of rupees. #UnityIsStrength #KashmirFiles #Brahmastra #BoycottBrahamastra @GemsOfBollywood #BoycottBramhastra
#Reason1 - DRUGS: Have you observed the news in the last 2 years since SSR's death of how many drug cases came up about the consumption of drugs in the Bollywood Circle? Here is a video of something similar. Why fund? #BoycottBrahamastra #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #JaiHind
#Reason2 - RESPECT_FOR_HINDUS: Bollywood needs to respect all religions including Hindus. PK movie from Aamir Khan was all about mocking Hindu traditions. Please respect Hindu sentiments, don't take them for granted. #BoycottBrahamastra #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #JaiHind
Read 11 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
HEC: 10 mins to read paper containing recommendations given to us after Branch Delegates Meeting + 1 hour discussion. 6 Motions submitted by members of HEC, including mine on #ReviseandResubmit. Paper passed + Chair judged 5 motions to fall+1 (setting valuation end date) remitted
I do not think the paper that was put forward (which recommended a consultation with members) needed to be incompatible with all 5 motions that fell, especially the one I argued for on #ReviseandResubmit b/c I believe there was time to include R+R in the process. Chair disagreed.
Here's the #ReviseandResubmit motion I proposed to HEC. I moved it arguing it seemed clear from observing Branch Delegates mtg that a *huge* no of members were asking for some form of R+R & not to discuss would have been a dereliction of our duty to represent members.
Read 24 tweets

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