*Wording of ballot question
*Whether there will be recommendation on how to vote inserted (HEC did not discuss or vote on this)
*How differently (or not) any members might've voted at @leedsucu EGM / fed back by email had they had today's info (or more time)
*Whether I should've voted differently today (abstained but felt utterly hideous, under pressure+note it wouldn't have swayed vote-will explain in another tweet shortly)
*If I'll ever get out of UCU HQ (am still tweeting b/c can't face doing on train)
*This+previous Branch Delegate Mtg+HEC Combo (13 March) tell us members *need* more info on processes in plain English so ev1 can understand (& can orientate understanding when the union is responding to weird situations) See also:
*We need to *keep doing amazing branch democracy + supporting all members to engage+be heard+ask Qs* &then some. Ev1 will have even more Qs about proposal + context + today.
*We need to focus on ways to build consensus alongside space for collegial debate
Currently, don't know. Want to scrutinise every scrap of information (noting the GS has promised more after Easter) + urgently organise meeting for all @leedsucu members to discuss *in depth*. (Mis)Trust in UUK et al is a *huge issue*
[Will tweet more + try to answer stuff later but now really need to leave the building or get locked in overnight + want to go home to #Leeds!]