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Jul 31st 2019

Trump Adviser Tom Barrack Said to Have Pursued Saudi Nuclear Deal as He Sought Administration Role

Barrack texted Rashid al-Malik, that he wanted M.B.Z., to intervene with Kushner, to push Mr. Barrackā€™s appointment as a special envoy to the Middle East.

Senior MI5 and FBI officials shared concerns about ā€˜our strange situationā€™ in 2016. #SamePlayers

Texts McCabe, & Jeremy Fleming, then MI5, now the head of GCHQ, reveal their surprise re outcome of the EU referendum, & notes it as ā€œwake-up callā€.

The Brexit vote was viewed w/in the FBI as a sign that Russian & co conspiratorsā€™ activities had been successful

in August 2016, Fleming noted that members of the FBI and MI5 had ā€œmet on our strange situationā€, a veiled reference to discussions about RU activities
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