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Dec 4th 2022
#Bhagawadgita chintana🧡
Margasira sukla Ekadasi is revered as Geeta Jayanthi, the day Lord #SriKrishna counselled Arjuna with his famous preaching #Bhagawadgita. But it was not first time Supreme God preaching the philosophy and Arjuna was not the first person to be imparted with the divine knowledge.+
In 4th Canto #JnaAnaYoga (sloka #1) Sri Krishna says,
" I taught this imperishable Yoga (Bhagawadgita)
to #Vivaswan (Sun God-Surya);
He (#Surya) in turn taught it to #Manu (#Vaivaswatha) who in turn taught it to #Ikshvaaku (in whose dynasty Lord Sri #Ramachandra was born)". +
Read 32 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
Sri VaraMahaLakshmi Vratha (05.08.2022) πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Sri Lakshmi Devi chintana....

Lakshmi Devi should not be worshipped alone. She should always be worshipped along with Bhagavan Vishnu.
The are LAKSHMI-NARAYANA the Supreme God & Goddess. They always live together; where Lakshmi is not present Sri Hari will not be there & where Sri Hari is not there Lakshmi does not stay. Divine couple are inseparable. They are not separated even when they manifest as avatara's.+
This is explained in Vishnu Purana as follows,

RaAghavatway-abavat Sita, Rukmini Krishna janmani !
Anyeshu chavatareshu Vishno-resha-yanapayinee !!

Devatvey Deva-deheyam, Manushyatvey cha manushee !
Vishnor dehanu-roopam vai karoth yesha-yatmani tanum!!
Read 22 tweets

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