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Jul 5th 2018
In conjunction with @SlickRockWeb, now let’s take a look at #WalkAway from a different perspective. Who’s the man behind the curtain, and who’s backing him? His name is Brandon Straka, know here as @UsMinority. Let’s get to know him a bit. #infosec #osint #psyops
Before #WalkAway took off (with surprising rapidity), Straka was a performance artist and stylist in New York. His most recent work appears to have been this show, showing his evolution away from #TheResistance. Here’s a link to the GoFundMe…
His first announcement of the #WalkAway campaign was on May 26th. However, shortly after the dates of his show, on a Facebook post dated 10/27/17, we see the following exchange after a post about @TheEllenShow, which appears to be the first public use of the “walk away” idea.
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