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10 blessed days, 10 quick benefits of Dhikr from part 2 below:

1. Allāh usually couples Dhikr with Kathīr, to mean much & frequently. Once or twice is gd, but always & plenty will give you the success you so crave.

'Remember Allah much that you may be successful" 8:45 #YQGems
2. Allāh mentions Dhikr as a description of those going to Jannah

"And the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward" 33:35

3. The Prophet peace and blessings upon him said the example of the one who remembers Allāh and the one who doesn't, is like the example of the one who is alive and the one who is dead. (Bukhari)

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I'm reading Dutton's paper on the seven ahruf. Here are some of my highlights

#QuranPreservation #YQGems
The summary of the paper is that the Quran in its early stages was more flexible in the earliest days of Islam. The initial allowance was reduced by later Caliphs under the direction of scholars. The Quran is seen as a multiform oral text with a degree of accepted variability
There are 7 agreed upon readings of the Quran (Qira'at). All seven are agreed upon by Muslims today. Where did this 7 come from? Ibn Mujahid (died 936). Why 7 when he had more to choose from? Nobody knows. Why did he chose 3 from kufah (Iraq)? Probably because he lived there!
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Names of Allah

1. Allah اَلَّهُ

Allah is the name that all the other names belong to (Al Asma Ul Husna)

It is the primary name of Allah. It literally means “the One who is worshipped”.

#YQGems #BeautifulNamesofAllah
Ismullahi A’azam

Many scholars believe Allah is the Ismullahi A’azam (the grandest name of Allah).

The prophet SAWS said there is an Ismullahi A’azam that when it us used in a dua’a, Allah must respond to Allah.

#YQGems #BeautifulNamesofAllah
There are 2 major opinions on what the Ismullahi A’azam could be:

1. Allah
2. Al Hayy Al Qayuum

#YQGems #BeautifulNamesofAllah
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Surah Al-Insān

Insān is used in the first verse of the surah. This surah is also called Ad-Dahr(time) which is also used in the first verse.

Prophet SAWS would recite this Surah every Friday in Fajr salah in the second rakaat (Surah Sajdah recited in first rakaat).

Theme of Surah Al-Insān is to remind mankind to be thankful to Allah.

The surah starts: No one knew you would be here, of your existence. We were the ones who created you from a drop. Caused you to see and to hear. We showed you the path.
Be thankful or ungrateful.

Surah Al-Insān also lists the characteristics of the believers:

Those who feed their own food to others (even though they need it themselves).

When you do it, you do not need to get thanks from others. You are doing it for the sake of Allah.

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Surah Al-Qiyāma

Likely revealed during the first year of revelation.

Qiyāma meaning the judgement.

Allah swears by the day of judgement.

Did not people know that we can reassemble their bones? Rather we can even reconstruct the tips of their fingers (the finest details)

People will testify against themselves on the day of judgement. Despite all of their excuses, their testament will not be accepted.

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Surah Al-Muzzammil

This surah is the third revelation that Allah SWT revealed to the prophet SAWS.

Iqra was the first. Then Muddathir. Then Muzzammil.

The prophet SAWS is being warned in Surah Al-Muzzammil of the challenges ahead and of the spiritual preparation that is needed.

Oh you who is wrapped up (this is the meaning of muzzammil), stand up and pray for most/half of the night, or even more than that.

The very first things that Allah commands the prophet SAWS to do after becoming a prophet is to pray and to read Quran.

Allah said to him read with tartiila (with a slow, melodious voice).

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Surah Al-Ma’ārij

Al-Ma’ārij means the ways to come up to Allah SWT (the ascent to Allah).

Allah owns and controls those ways that you can go up to Him.

Theme: the day of judgement.

Surah Al-Ma’ārij contains one of the earliest descriptions of what it means to be a pious person.

Man was created restless and impatient. Went touched by adversity he becomes fretful. When good comes to him he becomes ungenerous and stingy.

The pious people:

Those who:
- are constant in their prayer
- whose wealth has a share given unto the poor
- affirm the day of judgement
- guard their chastity
- honour their trust
- stand by their testimonies
- dedicated to prayer

Allah begins and end with prayer!

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Surah Al-Hāqqa

Primary theme: the destruction of previous civilizations and the day of judgement.

Hāqqa comes from the word Haqq (truth). So Al-Hāqqa means that which is inevitably or ultimately true.

The reference here is to the day of judgement. It is true.

Surah Al- Hāqqa uses powerful and eloquent language to describe the day of judgement.

Surah Al-Hāqqa also mentions the concept of receiving the book in the right and in the left hand.

The one who receives it in the right hand, he will hold it and he will cry out “Come read my record!” He will be so happy.

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Surah Qalam

This refers to the divine pen.

The prophet SAWS said the first thing that Allah created was the pen and Allah told the pen “Write” and the pen said “What shall I write?”. And Allah said “Write everything that will happen until the day of judgement”.

The primary theme of Surah Qalam is to honour the prophet SAWS and to discuss the temporary Marie is this world and the permanency of the hereafter.

The prophet SAWS is praised in the one of the highest ways in Surah Qalam “you are a man of outstanding character”. Allah has said that his character is exemplary. He is the most outstanding charactered human being that has ever walked this earth.

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Surah Mulk (Surah Tabarak)

The prophet SAWS told us that it saves us from the punishment of the grave.

This surah will intercede for us in front of Allah SWT on the day of judgement until the sins of the one who memorizes and recites it are forgiven.

Primary theme of Surah Mulk is the demonstration of the power of Allah SWT.

How Allah’s dominion is Mulk, how His kingdom is manifested in His creation and therefore how He alone is worthy of worship.

Surah Mulk is one of two surahs in the Quran that starts with “tabarak”. The other being Surah Furqan.

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Surah At-Tahrīm

It is based on an event between the two wives of the prophet SAWS Aisha and Hafza. They became irritated and jealous. They made a small plot between the wives to get the prophet SAWS to abandon something that was permissible for him.

Allah revealed this verse to say do not abandon the shariah to lead people. Do make something haram for yourself that Allah has made halal.

Our priorities need to be in line with the priorities of Allah and His messenger.

In this surah we are reminded to take care of our families.

Protect yourself and your family members from the hell fire. We can not forget the rights of our family. It is not only about nafsi nafsi.

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Surah At-Talāq (the divorce)

This surah deals with divorce and child maintenance.

It commands men to fear Allah and to treat their wives, even in the case of divorce, with justice.

Allah advises husbands:
Do not force them out of their house.
Let the wives go free with honour and dignity.
Gift your wife and take care of her according to your means.
If men followed the divorce rulings of the shariah, the divorce rate would plummet exponentially in society.

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Surah Al-Munafiqūn (the hypocrites)

They hypocrites are severely criticized because they are not helping the religion and they are even impeding the religion.

You do not build your good deeds by poking holes in other’s good deeds. #YQGems
Muslims are told do not be deceived by the outer appearance, the sweet tongues, of these hypocrites.

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Surah Al-Jumu’a

Revealed when a caravan arrived in the marketplace in Madinah. They started shouting out prices etc.

The hypocrites who were listening to the prophet SAWS deliver the khutbah walked out and went to purchase items.

So Surah Al-Jumu’a was revealed detailing the etiquette of Jumu’a.

The famous verse was revealed

Allah is encouraging us to go do business (have a career) just know when you need to pause , that is, even the adhaan is called.

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Surah Mumtahana

Revealed after the treaty of hudaybiya. The treaty said that any person who migrated from Makkah to Madinah they must be returned to Makkah. But it was written as “any man” and women were not included.

So Allah revealed if a woman comes to Madinah then question them and if they are genuine do not turn them back to the pagans.

The concept of Muslims interacting with non Muslims is a very nuanced issue. But Surah Mumtahana is explicit about the issue. V.s 8-9 as for those who have not fought you for your religion, Allah is not forbidding you from dealing with them in honour or in justice.

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Surah Hashr

Deals with the expulsion of the Jewish tribe Banu-Nadir after the battle of Uhud because they hatched a botched assassination attempt against prophet SAWS.

In Surah Hashr, Allah very clearly praises the muhajjirun (Makkans who converted early on) and then the ansar (the Medinans who supported and protected the prophet SAWS) There is a level between the two.

And then those that come after them (the Muslims who came after the time of the prophet until today including you and I!), they say oh our Lord forgive us and our brethren who preceded us in imaan and do not leave in our hearts any evil against anyone who believes.

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Surah Al-Mujādilah

Madani surah.
Discusses laws specific to marriage.
Motif: knowledge of Allah SWT

Mujādilah means the lady who is pleading (or arguing her case).

A lady came to the prophet SAWS and a lady came to complain about her husband. Allah SWT heard what she was saying and revealed Quran to advise her.

She was complaining about a preislamic custom where if a man gets angry he can say utter a particular phrase that can leave a wife in limbo. She is not fully married but not fully allowed to marry another person.

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Surah Adh-Dhāriyāt

Dhāriyāt means the scattering winds.

Allah describes the believers: they used to sleep very little at night, during the Dawn they would ask Allah for forgiveness, from their wealth they would always give a portion to the poor.

Religiosity is your rituals and your compassion to others.

The surah briefly mentions Ibrahīm and his guests and Lūt and Musa.

Then Allah azzawajal concludes the surah, We created this creation with power and We are indeed expanding it. And the Earth we spread it out, look how well we have prepared it.

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Surah Al-Jāthiya

Main theme: to establish the importance of the Quran. And to clarify different types of evidences against those who reject the Quran.

Jāthiya means kneeling down
It is named because of the verse that explicitly mentions all of the nations and ummahs kneeling down in front of Allah on the day of judgement.

Surah begins by listing the blessings of Allah, listing the mechanisms of how Allah has dominion over the entire creation, before criticizing those who have rejected and those who do not listen to the signs.

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Surah Ad-Dukhān

Dukhān means a dusty cloud.

One of the signs of the day of judgement, the skies will be clouded by a massive cloud of smoke.

Main theme: to threaten those who reject the day of judgement and to convince them before it is too late.

One of two surahs in the Quran that explicitly mentions Laylatul Qadr (the best of course being Surah Qadr).


Allah calls Laylatul Qadr, Laylatul Mubarak. It has barakah. It is a blessed night. You do ibadah for one night and get the blessing of one thousand months. No night is more blessed.

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Surah Az-Zukhruf

Zukhruf meaning golden decoration pieces (because of v.35).

Main theme: to prove the Quranic message and to refute criticisms leveled against both the message and the messenger.

Surah again begins by describing the Quran.

V.20 a deep theological verse responding to the argument of the disbelievers: Allah has willed us not to believe and is pleased with us.

There argument is that because something exists, it must mean Allah is pleased with it.

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Surah Ash-Shūra

Only surah in the Quran that begins with:
ح م
ع س ق

Ash-Shūra means consultation
Because Allah SWT commands the Muslims to consult with each other before undertaking a decision (in v.38).

Main theme of Surah Ash-Shūra to clarify the revelation from Allah SWT. It also goes into L detail regarding towheed and proving the day of judgement.
Sub motif: concept of rizq (sustenance), Allah giving sustenance and how Allah chooses to give to whomever he chooses

We sent the Arabic Quran to guide the central city (Makkah and surrounding areas).

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Surah Fussilat

Fussilat means that which is perfectly explained.

This term is used to describe the Quran twice in the surah.

Main theme: to talk about the Quran.

The prophet SAWS recited surah Fussilat when one of the Quraish wanted to offer him a bribe. He wanted to offer him riches if only he would give up his religion. The Quraishi became flustered and agitated. This was something divine. This surah had an impact on him #YQGems
Allah describes how he created the creation and the stages of the creation in verses 9-12.

He mentions He told the heaven and the earth to cleft asunder and to come together and they obeyed the commandment of Allah SWT. #YQGems
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Surah Al-Ghaafir

One of seven surahs in the Quran that begin with Ha-Mīm.

Surah is the first of the seven surahs.
All of them are Makki and have a similar timeframe.

They are called the seven Hawamim.

Surah Al-Ghaafir (Arab) is also called Surah Mu’min (subcontinent).

It is called Ghaffir because it begins with the name of Allah Ghaffir udh dhanbi (the forgiver of sins) which means. And it is called mu’min because it talks about the believer in the house of Firaun.

Primary theme: the battle between imaan and kufr and the help that Allah gives to the believers and the fate of the rejectors. #YQGems
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