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Sep 1st 2021
#SupremeCourt to hear Advocate Yatin Oza's plea challenging the Gujarat HC full court decision to take away his senior designation status. Justice SK Kaul led bench will hear the case on merits after HC reiterated its decision
#yatinoza #contempt Image
Sr Adv Abhishekh Manu Singhvi: HC in an appropriate case can and should withdraw the gown for fixed period and not permanently. temporary measures is a part of the temporary and spatial limitation and thus reasonable.
Singhvi: The first punishment need not be death penalty and second punishment need not be life imprisonment and third punishment need not be 10 years imprisonment. here taking away senior gown is professional death penalty
Read 27 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
Justice SK Kaul led bench of #SupremeCourt hears plea filed by Yatin Oza against the decision of the Gujarat High Court to revoke his senior designation and also the HC judgment holding him guilty of contempt of court for his statements #SupremeCourt #YatinOza
AM Singhvi: Mr Nikhil informed that it has been kept for directions only. 9 months plus have lapsed. There has been bigger punishment than any other punishment. To be out of town and out of practice is easier, than to be in the same city where you’ve practiced.

Justice Kaul: We had said that see if you could use the good offices to see if something could be worked out.

Adv Nikhil Goel: It was reiterated again, by the full court.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Supreme Court bench headed by Justice SK Kaul to resume hearing Gujarat High Court Bar Association president & Advocate Yatin Oza’s plea against the High Court’s decision to take away his ‘senior’ designation.

Oza had levelled certain allegations of corruption against the Court registry in an online interview.

Taking cognizance of his statements, a suo motu contempt case was registered by the High Court.

Aggrieved, Oza moved the Supreme Court for relief.
Hearing begins
Read 5 tweets
Sep 9th 2020

Supreme Court today is scheduled to take up for hearing petition filed by Yatin Oza challenging the decision of the Gujarat High Court of revoking Oza's senior designation.

#SupremeCourt Image
Oza has also assailed Rule 26 of the High Court of Gujarat Senior Designation Rules, 2015 for being ultra vires Articles 14 and 19 of the Constitution.

#SupremeCourt #SeniorDesignation
Oza's senior gown was recalled after contempt of court proceedings were initiated against Oza for levelling allegations of corruption against the Court registry.

Oza had tendered an unconditional apology but the same was rejected by the HC.…
Read 16 tweets

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