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Most recents (2)

Jan 24th 2023
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on #Bronchiectasis (#NCFB or #bronchiectasis) & its management, by Christina Thornton MD (@Cthornton32), respirologist & clinician scientist in Calgary 🇨🇦. Follow along and earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #nurses #NPs #PAs #pharmacists!
2) I am very excited to be among the founding faculty in this initiative! FOLLOW US for awesome expert-led education #pulmtwitter!
👍@BronchiectasisR @COPDFoundation @EMBARCnetwork @ELF @profJDchalmers @sunjayMD @DrHollyKeir @becleartoday @ephesians_1_7 @NTMinfo @AlibertiStefano
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Insmed & is intended for healthcare professionals. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at CE/#CME credit from @academiccme.
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Jan 11th 2021
Hey #MedTwitter!!
This morning at our VA we had Chief @photon_ick give us a case of #ChronicSOB, where it turned out that the patient had #ABPA (#allergic bronchopulmonary #aspergillosis). It's a diagnosis we don't see too often, but one you'll definitely encounter here!! 🗝️👇
This is an #allergic condition, with 2 main predisposing conditions: #asthma & #cysticfibrosis
It can be more rarely seen in other lung disease/immunodeficiencies, but without the right lung environment like this, it is almost NEVER seen!!
There is no universally accepted criteria, but the #ISHAM criteria is often used. Let's check it out!

Traditional obligatory criteria:
- Serum #IgE RAST >0.35 OR Allergic Skin Testing (+) to A. fumigatus
- Total Serum IgE >1000 Image
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