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Oct 18th 2019
This Sunday is the 33rd annual @AIDSWalkPhilly—here's a #thread about a different kind of #AIDS walk in #Philadelphia—the city's first candlelight AIDS vigil, in 1986.

#twitterstorians #everythinghasahistory…
@AIDSWalkPhilly The first Candlelight Walk for #AIDS in #Philadelphia took place on September 25, 1986. Earlier that month, the Department of Public Health reported 479 cases of AIDS in the Philadelphia area, and 298 had died.

See video of the walk:

@AIDSWalkPhilly Of reported cases, 50% were African American—ten points higher than their share of the total #Philadelphia population. But #AIDS agencies were predominantly white, and rooted in the #Gayborhood, which was itself seen as a mostly white space.
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