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Mar 8th 2023
#AMC @CEOAdam calls on @FINRA and @NYSE yet AGAIN to investigate the FTD's on #AMC #stock as it nears ~24 consecutive days on the REG SHO THRESHOLD SECURITIES LIST.
What is it and how can covering of FTD's be delayed?
🧵 1/X
A threshold list, AKA "Regulation SHO Threshold Security List", is a list of securities whose transactions failed to clear for five consecutive settlement days at a registered clearing agency.
Settlement failures may be indicative of improper naked short selling. #AMC 2/X
SEC implemented REG SHO to reduce the abuse of naked short selling, where the seller does not borrow or arrange to borrow the securities in time to make delivery to the buyer within the standard two-day settlement period. #AMC 3/X
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