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Oct 1st 2021
Thread: Going to a gynae outpatient appointment, whether you've been given advance warning/info about a #hysteroscopy or not?

If the gynae says they want to do it there and then, or even just says anything casual like 'I'd just like to take a little look, get a little sample …'

"Are you talking hysteroscopy without anaesthestic?

I've read countless reports by women subjected to this barbaric procedure.

The answer is no.

I will require my surgery to be carried out under hygienic operating theatre conditions with humane anaesthetic."
And in the face of attempts to deceive, cajole, persuade, coerce, gaslight, mock, bully you into the stirrups …

"As I say, the answer is no.

You need to book me in for the proper procedure.

When can I expect my appointment confirmation?"

Calm, polite, controlled, assertive.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
Thread: @RCObsGyn @RCoANews

Three things all trainee and practicing gynaecologists, GPs and hysteroscopists must understand to be effective.

Read this - and learn about the women you will be treating.
1/ Gynaecology can be embarrassing.

It 'shouldn't be.' But:

Female socialisation has eternally told us about PRIVATE parts.

'Pudenda' comes from the Latin for 'to shame'.
Many languages even contain the word 'shame' in vocabulary for female genitalia.

Religion and culture intrude - periods and their pain can be known as 'the curse of Eve'.

Punishment on all the female sex for one woman's sin.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 10th 2021

Women are sharing ghastly experiences of outpatient #hysteroscopy - invasive surgery with zero anaesthetic - the NHS UK standard practice

This barbaric, inhumane, misogynistic assault against women's rights must end

'My scream sounded unearthly to me, like an animal in terrible pain. Part of my inside was being cut without any anaesthetic. I am 73 years old'
#Hysteroscopy without #anaesthetic
'excruciatingly painful and the gas and air did not really do anything to alleviate the pain'
Read 13 tweets

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