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Jun 4th 2020
1) This will be my running thread on my experience witnessing the rise of #AntifTerroristNetwork in the Philadelphia Tri-State area. I was never a part of #Antifa, though I was invited in 2016, and know well the elements from where they recruited. I will drop no real names.
2) I grew up poor in Philadelphia. I ran with many bad elements, drug dealers, thieves, and hardened criminals of all race and background. But this is about the elements within a roving band of gutter punks, and rich kid posers that swam in my circles which became part of #Antifa
3) They all, for the most part, wanted to be like my boy Jizz. A genius artist, Philly gutter punk legend, and crazy mofo. They hung at places like Tattoo Mom's, and Pi-Lam fraternity of University of Penn. Jizz took his own life before #Antifa came to town (RIP).
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