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Oct 7th 2022
The evaluation of Rahu and Ketu has been mired in confusion if not controversy. Opinions differ across many #Jyotish texts. Laghu Parashara gives the most logical direction to solve this puzzle.
A slow 🧵
#AskPanditKatti #VedicAstrology #nodes #Rahu #Ketu
#yoga #JyotishKatti
First the issue of Lordships. Some prefer #Aquaruis and #Scorpio as the sign lordships for Rahu and Ketu. All the Rasi's have lordships based on physical grahas. So the question is - Can nodes who aren't physical, but only mathematical points be lords?
Rahu in #Aquarius and Ketu in #Scorpio are better placed due to their matching tatwas with the rasi lordships. The famous dictum does mention this -
Shanivat Rahu & Kujavat Ketu. There are more secrets. Stay tuned. Sri Raama
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