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Nov 9th 2020
1. There are large number of temples & ashrams in the #Girivalam route around Sri #Arunachaleswarar #temple & the most important ones are: Ashta (eight) lingams representing the eight directions with each one being associated with one or more birth stars.
2. Each lingam addresses different aspects of man’s life & they bless the devotees with different types of benefits. It is believed to be installed by various Devas. Also these lingams have a dominant navagraha & praying to each lingam brings forth various benefits @harshasherni
3. that is being bestowed by that navagraha on the devotees.
Indira Lingam - It is said to be installed by Indira representing East. The dominant navagraha of this lingam are Sun & Venus. Worshiping this lingam blesses the devotees with long life & abundant prosperity. @Nidhi7007
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