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Jun 19th 2023
Samay (The Time) - The Timeless time of the Vedic Ages of India

What is Samay?
What is Kal?
What is creation?
What is the origin and start of the time?

Let's find out what our timeless Vedic scriptures say about it:

#Veda #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #Time #India… Image
1. What is Samay / Kaal / Time?

The Sanskrit word for time is kala which has been derived from kalana or motion and it implies that time manifests itself through motion. At the same time, time is eternal (Nitya and Shaswata) without beginning and ending (Anadi and Ananta). The…… Image
2. Concept of Shrishti and Pralaya - The Cycle of Time
The cosmos follows one cycle within a framework of cycles. It may have been created and reached an end, but it represents only one turn in the perpetual Kalachakra, the "wheel of time", which revolves infinitely through…… Image
Read 23 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
Tantra is an abstract religion, it doesn't have a clear definition. Different seekers define it differently, many not even consistent with each other. Tantra, though, is clearly recognized as being very different from the ancient Hindu Vedic tradition.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
Before trying to delve into tantrism, it is important to understand that this is not a single coherent system. It is rather a tradition that gradually evolved from an accumulation of practices and rituals, in order to attain the grace of the divine.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
The practitioner of tantra uses his own prana or divine energy in order to harness it to the universal prana, thereby attaining his goal. The goal in question could be either spiritual, material or both.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
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Jun 18th 2023
Tantra in Hinduism could be considered to be parallel to the Hindu Vedic tradition. Tantra contains written records of the Agama, which comes in four main parts, as follows:
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
Jnana or metaphysical knowledge
Yoga or meditative practices
Kriya or ritual practices
Charya or ethical and religious principles of conduct
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism ImageImage
Most of the staunch Hindu Vedic practitioners, however, consider the Tantras to be anti-Vedic in character and hence, altogether shun both the cult and the practitioners of the same.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
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Jun 16th 2023
Is meditation on the Self and Atma Vichara/Neti Neti higher in tantra?
#meditation #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism… Image
Mind's Concentration is common to gyana & Yoga. Yoga aims at union of individual with universal, the Reality - which cannot be new, must exist now, and it does. Thus Path of Knowledge tries to find out how viyoga (separation) came about - separation is from Reality.
#meditation Image
Ravi marga is jnana( path of knowledge). Moon marga is Yoga. They think that after purifying the 72,000 nadis in the body, sushumna is entered and the mind( kundalini) passes up to the sahasrara and there is nectar trickling.
#meditation #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism Image
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Jun 11th 2023
Most Powerful Warrior Archers in Ancient Vedic Culture of India


#SanatanaDharma #Hindutva Image
1. Bhagwan Shiv
Mahadeva has used several bows.
The most prominent bow used by him is Pinaka. Hence he is also known as ‘Pinakahastaya’ ie. the weilder of Pinaka.
He had used another bow, whose name is not mentioned but Maharishi Valmiki has called it Shiv Dhanush(Shiva bow) . Image
1(a) He had used it to kill Tripurasura. It was created by Vishwarkarma ji from Mount Meru for the destruction of Tripura. Later this bow was broken by Bhagwan Sri Ram during the swayamwara of Mata Sita. Image
Read 31 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
Nishkam Karma - The essence of the Bhagavad Gita


#SanatanaDharma #Hindutva… Image
1. Nishkam Karma or Nishkama Karma (Devanagari: निष्काम कर्म) is the core theme of Bhagavad Gita. It is also considered the essence or the central message of the Bhagavad Gita.

#SanatanaDharma #Hindutva Image
2. The term is Nishkam Karma or निष्काम कर्म.
Nishkam/निष्काम is a sandhi of nih+kam or निः+काम. Here “nih” or “निः” means “without” and “kam/काम” means “kamna”/”कामना”, i.e. any kind of desire.
Karma/कर्म means “work”/”action”, “kri/कृ ” dhatu. Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
A devotee who chants Goddess Bhuvaneshwari mantra is blessed in different ways. It can also be chanted to please other gods and goddesses. Bhuvaneshwari Mantra:
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #vedicastrology Image
Hreem – (Ekakshari Mantra)
Aam Hreem Krom – (Try Akshari Mantra),
“Aim Hreem Shreem Aim Shreem – (Panchakshari Mantra).
In astrology she denotes the moon
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #vedicastrology Image
Moon as a Goddess In Vedic Astrology

Moon cycle is of 3 parts & Tri-Devi are seen as per Moon phase. From Shukla Pratipad to Sukla Dashami Durga rules the Moon, Lakshmi from Dashami to Krisna Panchami, Panchami to Amavasya is Kali.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #vedicastrology Image
Read 27 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
1/#AdiSankara, the greatest #Hindu philosopher of all times, with his astute genius, logical subtlety, philosophical profoundity, accurate definitions & analysis, was the one who established #Advaita #Vedanta as the meeting ground of all Monistic & Dualistic views of #Hinduism.
2/This Knowledge of Self by #AdiSankara, is meant to fulfil the need of the seekers of Liberation, who by their prolonged tapas(austerities) have already cleansed themselves of impurities and became mentally peaceful and free from desires.
3/Of all means to Liberation, knowledge is the only direct one. As essential as fire to cooking. Without it, liberation cannot be gained.Not being opposed to ignorance, karma doesn't destroy it. On the other hand, knowledge destroys ignorance, as surely as light does darkness.
Read 23 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
1/4All #Muslims who want #Islamic #ShariaLaw should go to Sharia countries and the whole world consider the fanatic Muslims as #terrorists.
Every #mosque & #Madaessa that preaches anti-India & anti-#Hinduism ideas must be investigated and action initiated.
2/4India is the land of #SanatanaDharma and #Hinduism #Sikhism, #Buddhism and #Jainism are the religions of this soil, not #Islam or #christianity. Neither #CONgress nor ##UrbanNaxals nor #RahulGandhi or other Sickular, #Dynasty Parties can change this demography for their votes.
3/4 India is our motherland and the
culture of #Hindus & civilization, do not make us bigoted like fanatical #Islamists or #missionaries.
We do not believe in your religion, but respect your feelings. Pl follow your religion but offer Namaz, without noise pollution, in your..
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Jun 4th 2023
दिशाशूल क्या होता है ?

#SanatanaDharma Image
क्यों बड़े बुजुर्ग तिथि देख कर आने जाने की रोक टोक करते हैं ? आज की युवा पीढ़ी भले हि उन्हें आउटडेटेड कहे दिशाशूल समझने से पहले हमें दस दिशाओं के विषय में ज्ञान होना आवश्यक है
हम सबने पढ़ा है कि दिशाएं ४ होती हैं
१) पूर्व
२) पश्चिम
३) उत्तर
४) दक्षिण
Read 17 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
Embarking on a journey to understand the rich and profound #SanatanaDharma, also known as #Hinduism! Here's a thread of book recommendations to help you navigate this ancient tradition. Dive in and discover the diversity and depth of Hindu philosophy & practice.(1/8)… Image
"The Essentials of Hinduism" by Swami Bhaskarananda: A comprehensive overview of key principles & teachings. Ideal for beginners stepping into the world of Hinduism. (2/8) Image
"An Introduction to Hinduism" by Gavin Flood: Highly respected for its detailed & balanced view, this book explores various facets of Hindu traditions.(3/8) Image
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May 21st 2023
If someone wants to learn Tantra then how to go about it?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Tantra is system; to learn the system you must first understand it. People curious about tantra think that if a white or saffron-robe wearing, old guy gives them a mantra then after some practice they’ll also start performing magic.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
The western system educated souls think that by chanting a mantra or doing this kriya or that mudra with closed eyes, they’ll one fine day open their eyes and witness their enlightened selves. I encounter both kind of seekers every day.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Read 57 tweets
May 20th 2023
Did Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Swami Vivekananda ever see God while meditating?

Whether it’s while meditating or not meditating, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Swami Vivekananda never saw anything other than God.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Once Sri Ramakrishna closed his eyes to meditate. But the very next he moment, he opened his eyes and muttered to himself, “Does God exist only when I close my eyes? Does He not exist when my eyes are open?”
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Young Narendranath (future Swami Vivekananda) once asked Sri Ramakrishna to grant him his request, “Sir, I want to remain in Samadhi all the time, 3–4 days at a stretch, only coming back to the body consciousness for the sake of food.”
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
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May 20th 2023
Ambubachi, Kamakhya Temple. That’s where I shall host the "Aparajita workshop" from on 23rd June.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
The workshop has:

1) Invocation of Ma Aparajita
2) Ma Kavach and beej explained scientifically (not available in most kavach texts)
3) Implementation of the strotram, kavach and mantra for your own protection, and your family.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
4) Also, for those facing litigation, court cases and have issues with enemies.
5) Extremely useful for people who have malefic Mars.
6) Yantra and pran Pratishtha of Yantra will be explained.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
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May 18th 2023
What is fear of God?

Fear of God” is a religiously induced mental disorder which predominates in those religions which originated in the Middle East.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #Spirituality Image
It is fear of displeasing an imaginary Sky-tyrant who is watching your every move from above and judging and condemning you for your failure to follow his commands and implement his demands.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #Spirituality Image
The way to liberate yourself from this religious paranoia is to contemplate yourself & your place in this Universe of 2 trillion galaxies.

Do you really think that a God who created this universe is really concerned with YOU & your foibles?
#SanatanaDharma #Spirituality Image
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May 18th 2023
I will be at Ambugachi Mela, Kamakhya temple on 23rd June and will be conducting "Aparajita workshop" from there.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #Spirituality #workshop Image
The workshop has:

1) Invocation of Ma Aparajita
2) Ma Kavach and beej explained scientifically(not present in many kavach texts)
3) Implementation of the strotram, kavach and mantra for your own protection, and your family.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality #workshop Image
4) Extremely useful for people who have malefic Mars.
5) Also, for those facing litigation, court cases and have issues with enemies.
6) Yantra and pran Pratishtha of Yantra will be explained.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality #workshop ImageImage
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May 13th 2023
Why don’t Hindus have ‘The book’ ? #SanatanaDharma

From 'Defense of Hindu Society' by Sh. Sitaram Goel Image
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May 10th 2023
Man casts God in his own mould. He cannot help doing it since it comes to him naturally. Again, if God is given a human form and conceived of as the Father, why not as the Mother?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
This seems to be the psychology behind the cult of the Śhakti or the Devī, the Divine Mother.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
Most of the forms of Śhakti are associated with Pārvatī, the divine spouse of Lord Śiva. Aparājitā (literally, one who is unconquered and unconquerable) is one such aspect.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
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May 10th 2023
Aparajita is a destroyer form of Goddess Durga. Aparajita manifests from the womb of the earth with the help of the absolute earth element. This manifestation of Goddess Aparajita is for the sake of souls on the Earth.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
This form of the Goddess which establishes itself on the throne of the eight petals carries a trident and with the help of Deity Shiva, seeking assistance from the Devatas of directions and the Devtas of the premise, destroys the demoniacal energies.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
When Devi Aparajita sitting on throne of the eight petals emerges from the womb of the earth in response to prayers of devotees, the Devtas of the eight directions also manifest to welcome Her. The tips of the eight petals represent these eight Devtas.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
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May 10th 2023
Why is to imp to sweep out alaxmi?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
Sweeping out alakshmi’ means collecting the dust in the house with a new broom in a pan and throwing it out of the house. Dirt in the house is a symbol of raja-tama attributes.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
That in which the sattva attribute is low and that from which the chances of deriving chaitanya is 0% is said to be devoid of Lakshmi and is called ‘alakshmi’.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism Image
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May 9th 2023
Workshop on Dakshinmarg Tantra. Only two hours on June 23, 2023. Focus: Devi Aparajita.
To book your slot, DM me or write to me on
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Who is Devi Aparajita?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Where does Devi Aparajita manifest from?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
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May 8th 2023
What happens to the chakras when a person reaches Samadhi?
#spirituality Image
Sri Ramakrishna who is the most important spiritual figure in the last few centuries used to plunge into Samadhi frequently. I have given below a photo taken of him in Samadhi around 1880.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism Image
He has talked about his experience during Samadhi.

MASTER: "Well, some say that my soul, going into samadhi, flies about like a bird in the Mahakasa, the Infinite Space.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism Image
Read 34 tweets
May 8th 2023
How do you choose your partner in Tantra?
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #spirituality Image
Does Tantra have any conventions to follow? No.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #spirituality Image
Tantra helps you discover your own masculine and feminine frequencies.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #spirituality Image
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May 7th 2023
Shiva and Shakti, the two partners in Tantra. Who is yours?
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #Spirituality Image
Tantra is beyond convention. In fact, it challenges convention.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #Spirituality Image
Tantra - it allows you to experience your masculine as well as feminine aspects.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #Spirituality Image
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