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Oct 17th 2020
China is nibbling at its neighbors territories Bite by bite.
In Nepal, a report warned that the country was losing border territories to China’s construction projects, which was changing the course of rivers.
@kakar_harsha @TheSatishDua @Tiny_Dhillon
Chinese have suddenly discovered that Tajikistan’s Pamir Mountains historically “belong to China" & so does the Mt Everest, world’s tallest peak on the Nepal-Tibet border
@CChristineFair @kakar_harsha @TheSatishDua @Tiny_Dhillon @SinghPramod2784
The PLA tried similar tactics in Himalayan plateau of Doklam in 2017 resulting in 10-week-long troop standoff on the plateau with India @kakar_harsha @TheSatishDua @Tiny_Dhillon @majorgauravarya @Vedmalik1 @gurmeetkanwal @palsinnervoice @orfonline
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