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Jul 4th 2022
Here's what Declan, our content and social media wizard, had to say about one year of shopping #secondhand fashion... ♻️👕

Hey! 👋 Here's a thread 🧵 on the things I learnt about shopping only #preloved fashion for a year!
1. Patience is Key 🗝

I've always been curious about owning a pair of Doc Martens but I could never justify splashing out on a new pair. So I kept an eye on second hand pairs on eBay. There were loads to bid on but also loads of other bidders.
Either way I stuck to my guns and didn't go above £55. Long story short, I snapped up a pair for £50 plus postage. They were sold as having a small scuff on them. But when they arrived I could barely see the scuff and the shoes were otherwise nearly new. #drmartens
Read 17 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
What a day at the @IMDSymposium, hearing from @KatyRR, @SeanGreenMusic, @ChrisPoonMD, @musicbeater, @marcshaiman, @lippaofficial, @LacketyLac, @stephenoremus, @StuartMorleyMD and others. Can’t wait for tomorrow! In other news my kids glammed up using make up and hair chalk 😂🧑‍🎤👩‍🎤
2nd day of @IMDSymposium was just as good. My highlights were definitely @musicbeater showing us his orchestrating process and @StuartMorleyMD’s presentation on tempo, but none of that will surprise anyone who knows me! #academic #OchestrationAndArrangement #process @nickisapiro
Seem to have missed Tuesday’s tweet somehow, so this is a double-header to make it back up. The whole day was spent in one sort of meeting or other, ranging from study support to teaching assistant interviews to our virtual graduation celebration. Hectic but good. @nickisapiro
Read 483 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
Years have fallen
Swept away
From her eyes

Creases #bear
Pain of tears
Never wailed

Tides of green
Have tsunami of
Stories veiled

Dreams stacked
As secrets in lashes
In a blink

Of life revealed
In ebb of her eyes
Read 50 tweets

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