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Mar 13th 2023
To all the #bettingtwitter folks out there!

Introducing $BCB - Blockchain Bets which is a fully decentralised betting platform which includes tons of sports and live casino games

Bet, Earn, Repeat 🚀💯🤑🚀

Let's dive right in! @BCBerc20 Image
What is $BCB?

A decentralised gasless betting platform that offers a unique combination of sports betting, online casinos, and staking rewards to the users.

$BCB does not require any KYC verification, making it an easy and private platform for users to engage in online betting. Image
What do they offer?

A fully functional decentralized betting platform with tons of sports with the best odds.

There are different betting features like Asian Corner, 1X2, Over/Under goals, 1st Half Goal Line prediction etc..

Check it out ->

#ETH #bcb Image
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