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Jan 17th 2022
It’s #BettyWhiteChallenge Day, and people all over are coming together to donate $5 to shelters/rescues in Betty White’s name, on what would’ve been her 100th birthday.

And we want to tell you a story. It’s a story about street cat Freddie, and the elderly man who loves her. 1/
... Freddie’s one of a group of cats being cared for by Mr. —, an 82 year old gentleman who’s on a fixed income and doesn’t drive.

She hadn’t eaten in three days, and he was besides himself with worry, staying up all night heating pads in his microwave to try to keep her... 2/
... outdoor shelter warm, hoping it could maybe help.

One of our local angels heard & reached out to our Street Kitty Medical Fund for them. And if they were technically outside the area we cover? 🤫

Because that’s what the Fund is for. (See…). So... 3/
Read 12 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
Happy birthday #BettyWhite 🥰🥰🥰 Image
Betty White 100th birthday celebration 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳. #bettywhite100 Image
Read 11 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
1. Not to be overtly maudlin right after the ball dropped, but the passing of #BettyWhite is affecting me ***way***more than it should-especially given her age of 99.
I've been sitting here trying to analyze why, and I thought I'd share...
2. It's because Betty was a unique national treasure-a throwback from a different era when we, as Americans had more grace, more class, and more goodness. She straddled two timelines, "her" generation AND the current one, staying relevant for over 60 years-right to the very end.
3. Can you think of anyone else that holds such a position in our hearts and minds? Have you ever heard anyone utter a bad word about her?
I can't think of any person who could "unite" America given our deep (and deepening) divisions, but if I had to wager for such a person,
Read 13 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
Stick to your principles like Betty White and your legacy will be on the right side of history.
One of Betty White’s projects was a show called “The Golden Palace” where Don Cheadle and Cheech Martin join the Golden Girls to run a hotel.

In one episode, Cheadle’s character confronts Blanche about the racism in her past.

In a second appearance, Cheadle explained further. “The legacy of that flag is alive every time I’m walking down the street with a group of my friends and I see a white person cross over to the other side because they’re afraid,”

Read 9 tweets
Dec 31st 2021
1/ 1954: #BettyWhite cast Pasadena-born Arthur Duncan on "The Betty White Show."

~Los Angeles Times, November 24, 1954
2/ Stations in southern states threatened to boycott "The #BettyWhite Show" because she made Duncan a permanent cast member.

Her response: "I'm sorry. Live with it."

~USA Today, August 20, 2018
3/ This clip of The Betty White Show features Arthur Duncan, starting at 7:00 minute mark. #BettyWhite

Read 4 tweets
Dec 26th 2021
76.01/ Week seventy-six, Dec. 25-31, 2021, thread here.

Week 75 below
76.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight continues. This week: "Mission: Impossible"…
76.03/ Bait and switch alert: Optimum in NJ said we'd be getting #BUFvNE instead of the - let's be honest, but fair - putrid matchup of Jaguars-Jets. Nope. We're stuck with the worst game of the year. Do even Jets fans want to watch this?
Read 32 tweets

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