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Jun 4th 2023
1/5.. #OdishaTrainAccident .. How the dice rolls and how PM @narendramodi responded to the tragedy.. The accident reportedly happened at 18.55 on June 2nd. It took 12 hours for Modi to realise the impact and cancel his Vande Bharat ribbon cutting sked for June 4.. hes VERY QUICK! Image
2/5.. #OdishaTrainAccident .. Having cancelled the VB ribbon cutting.. @narendramodi then had to do something to convey he is looking into the train crash.. so he holds a "high level" meeting with cameras & his PR guys circulate the imagery.. so that you know hes on the job.. Image
3/5.. #OdishaTrainAccident The PR guys tell @narendramodi the imagery of his "high level" meeting invoked more mocking .. after all.. the mockery wasnt unfair.. for a man who ribbon cuts VB trains, goods trains and Twitter handles.. A lukewarm meeting wasnt enough for the irony.. Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
This is becoming like Lal Singh Chadda... except the pheku... no one seems too excited about it.. #MKB...
Modi has been continuously doing some daily bakwas on something or the other.. Theres a fatigue to everything in excess... whether MMS silence or excessive bakwas of Modi.. Naturally.. people are fed up with his bakwas..
I have not seen any dancing over Modis #MKB for a long long time.. even the #BhajanMandli doesnt trend it without a whiplash by the top BJP coolies..
Read 5 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Its a Saturday.. let me feed the hungry...
1/11.. #HungerIndex - Firstly.. This thread on Food Surplus, Shortage & GHI is not bec I agree with GHI ranking of 107. Im NOT INTERESTED in analysing that. Its to DISPEL the confusion b/w Food Adequacy & Hunger Index. The 2 are NOT the same.. @sri9011
2/11.. #HungerIndex - Why do so many people get so AGITATED over the Global Hunger Index of 107 for India & compare with Pak? GHI does not have anything to do with food shortage/adequacy.. just like FDI Confidence Index has nothing to do with actual FDI..
Read 23 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
Now that Modi has given a clear instruction not to comment on movies... that Gems handle will have a problem.. because the persons behind the handle are all #BhajanMandli dancers...
I guess the next important advice by the clown would be on how to plan and have babies at proper intervals... given the experience he has... LOL!...
Modis instructions are for his coolies... not for others.. Im anti Bollywood for years... and I would always trash their filth and garbage... what Modi says is not relevant to me...
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
Germany, France, UK and Japan were in complete ruins in 1945.. so was most of Europe.. "The Marshall Plan" of US rehabilitated a whole continent + Japan within 10 years.. All this BAKWAS of 70 years is utter nonsense to defend a casteist village bumpkin..
India too didnt have Reservations or Sickularism in 1945.. Constitution was made with Ram pics & no word Secular in it.. Europe popn was around 45crs in 1945.. India was around 35crs.. You have google to check.. so dont blabber nonsense with me..
And as for Reservations & Sickularism.. #Moditards refuse to accept that its Modi that has dramatically ESCALATED it to worsen India... You mock the success of US rehabilitation of Europe.. because India has been sunk by morons... @mandya_manju
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Heres fact about RamMandir that morons of #BhajanMandli dont even recollect or cover up. So despo was Modi in Jan 2019 for Hindu votes that he wanted to build it on the undisputed land URGENTLY & not at its rightful spot. SC saved Hindus from that tragedy. Image
From 2001 as CM and then from 2014 as PM... Modi DID NOT mention the term "Ram Mandir" even once.. Did not do anything for the case.. He mentioned Ram Mandir only during LS2019 campaign to trash Sibal who wanted SC to postpone any ruling to after elections
Although I also disagree with Swamy being given too much credit for RamMandir as his sidekicks in PGurus do. Swamy was not a party to the case at all.. he made a pvt intervention to hasten hearings.. thats all.. that much can be given to him.. nothing more
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Dec 12th 2022
Pappu is dodo.. thats a diff issue.. But are you saying bullock-cart era has ended?.. Half the rural population & farmers still use bullock carts.. Its as stupid as you claiming that Modi is taking India back to Jungle-drums era because he banged drums..
In old times .. news from the Royals used to be announced by drum banging.. thats more out of practice than bullock carts in India.. So Modi is taking India back to banging drums?.. LOL! @sri9011 Thoda analogy may change rakkho bhai..
Again bogus theories.. LOL! You need to better than that.. Bulls are also part of our culture.. Nandi is what.. a goat?... People worship bulls at temples.. THINK BETTER..
Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
1/2.. Stupid, idiotic whining by a #BhajanMandli dancer.. Were you sleeping when sites/handles like MediaCrooks were thrashing Congis, Commies,Media severely before 2014? Get educated first.. before whining with falseshoods... @RajeswariAiyer
2/2.. Your bio says "Dead profile till 2017".. Obviously you were sleeping till 2017 @RajeswariAiyer. Its bad for you that your darling Modi turned out such a limpdik & Hindu-drohi so gets the trashing he deserves.. Everyone is not a blind coolie like you.
LOL! Durbaris like @RajeswariAiyer found their courage to dance for Modi only after Modi became PM.. She doesnt know.. BJP coolies like Malviya, PratapSimha used to copypaste MediaCrooks articles bec they didnt have the courage/language to trash Congis..
Read 6 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
1/5.. This is the "Panchpran" of Modi in I-day speech... Heres the first.. "Focus on Vikas/Devp.. Goal of developed India".... FAKERY.. No matter what India does.. the poor grow in numbers.. there wont be enough jobs, Discrimination will force merit to escape.. @NarendraModi
2/5.. Second "Panchpran" .. "Remove any trace of colonial mindset.. 100% azadi from ghulami"... says the man who crawled for little Qatar.. and crawls for his Islamic masters in most of his policies.. #FAKERY... @NarendraModi...
3/5... Third #Panchpran.. "Must take pride in our heritage" says @NarendraModi.. The same guy who demolishes temples.. goes to Germany and tells the world... "Murthis are not incredible India"... #FAKERY and hypocritical LIES of Himalayan level...
Read 7 tweets
May 29th 2022
1. Its a Sunday & I have enough time to roll out this absolute BS by a Modi bootlicker... In response to the choreographed song & dance by Modi.. he says "All politicians do it"... Idiotic nonsense... Modi has escalated this nonsense to absurd levels..
2. Then, when @indergopal is pointed out that Modi wasnt voted to behave like IndiraG types.. He claims the same nonsense of "60 Years" and people want "Instant results"... LOL!.. You need to seriously examine your kidneys..
3. Now tell me @indergopal If you have any guts to speak the truth... On what issues did anyone demand "INSTANT RESULTS" from Modi? Only your stupid bootlicking tongue like all #BhajanMandli dancers concoct this nonsense...
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May 16th 2022
Sinister Kashmir AntiHindu Plan - Terrorism doesnt flourish decades, UNLESS it has a lot of support service. @NarendraModi Sarkar has been recruiting moles to appease Muslims.. The price is paid by Hindus... Terrorism in K will NEVER END.. @manojsinha..…
In a terror zone like Kashmir.. Brainless govt recruits personnel w/o even a basic background check. One terror supporter (Altaf Hussain) had gone to Pak for training/organised stone pelting.. How dumb & stupid can the govt be? @manojsinha_ @NarendraModi..
In the US... Every Federal employee has to go thru a stringent background check by the FBI.. In states... their SBI does the background check.. Appeasement even incl hiring terrorists & you only Fire them.. not arrest them... This is how Kashmir is managed
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May 8th 2022
Sunday laffs... @smritiirani as "CYLINDERELLA"... quite appropriately so... She the one that mocked UPA for a 50-rupee increase in LPG prices.. Now her Goddess Moody Ali does it.. she will call it "Masterstroke"...
I have 2 cylinders... So I rent out one to old Maruti800 users who run their car on LPG.. I charge 50% premium.. so I actually profit from LPG cylinders.. no matter what Moody Ali does.. Thats my Masterstroke...
Read 4 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
The IQ level of #BhajanMandli falls everyday... As idiotic as asking an accident victim... what did you to protect yourself?... Or ask a 13yo victim of sexual assault by a gang.. What did you do protect yourself?... #BrainlessSlaves
And by your stupid logic @SheetalPronamo .. the Palghar Sadhus wouldnt have been killed.. nor many Priests.. because they propagate Dharma every single day.. Get some proper education before you blabber sermons... LOL!
It DOES NOT occur to this blabberer @SheetalPronamo that the Hindus taking out processions on festivals.. ARE DOING WHAT? They are actually propagating their Dharma.. They are not twiddling keys on device like you on Twitter.. Think better next time..
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Apr 3rd 2022
1/3.. Usual idiotic tweet of LIES & DECEPTION by @ShefVaidya I wonder what compels her to peddle such nonsense for 2 cents from the govt... read this thread.. If theres more noise about Halal now.. Its because your darling Moody Ali empowered Halalism..
2/3.. If the noise about Halal is more now... Its because Modi in sucking up to the UAE and ME for trade and lipstick empowered more Halalism... educate yourself first... the culprit is not Congress.. its your darling Moody... @ShefVaidya
3/3.. That thread in Nov.2021.. This is a thread from Apr.1.. The curse of Halalism was enhanced in India by Moody Ali... The compulsion to celebrate crimes as a major achievement bec protests erupt is what 2 cents from Gobarmint does for you @ShefVaidya
Read 6 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
If Bitta Karate is still free... What stopped your darling @NarendraModi for 8 years to immediately nab and prosecute him... if he has confessed to all his crimes? Instead Modi doles 80000crs on the very gangs that supported such terrorists for LIPSTICK..
The idea of constant whining by the likes of @Sassy_Hindu & other #BhajanMandli Manjira Vaadaks is to protect the INCOMPETENCE of Modi and his cowardice & sucking up to Muslims for "Collars" around his neck..
Remember... events have shown us.. That Terrorists are the best funded for legal defence.. the Prashant Bhushans are available dime a dozen.. Its for GOI to make a water-tight case & prosecute.. Bitta is entitled to exploit loopholes.. thats his job..
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
This must be sad news for #BhajanMandli... Even Trudeau has more balls than Moody Ali... Canadian Police arrest protesters, start clearing blockades bit by bit... Whats the problem? Are there no Gurudwaras in Canada for Trudi to run to? I thought plenty of Khalis in Kaneyda! Image
So why does stupid Moody Ali wear lipstick go to WTF and give idiotic speeches like "One Road, One Truck" there?... Hahhaa.. First look at the stupidity & cowardice of your own PM before you run down little Trudi..
Delhi has 83000 cops... they outnumber the protesters by at least 50 to 1...
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
Please explain to me how AAP policies are dramatically different from Modi's... Modi runs the biggest Commie bribery scam of 6000 pa to 10cr farmers.. Kejri is not even peanuts so far compared to that ONE SINGLE scam of Modi..
So far.. AAP runs just a Sr Municipality... To compare Kejri's doles to Modi's Caste-Group-based- votebank scam doles is absolute moronery... Modi directly BRIBES farmers, Muslims, Soshit, Vanchit..
And the beauty of this massive Farmer dole scam is that each installment is given just a month before every major round of elections... Thats why its a direct BRIBE and nothing else...
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Jan 25th 2022
Im surprised I missed this thread on the Levententh Avatar of Vazoo by @Candinam (Now @DrDatta01).. The claims she has made about Modi are serious & Im going to fact-check them... Give me a few minutes to roll out a thread on all that she has claimed...
1/9.. This is an interesting thread by @DrDatta01 on PM Modi around his birthday in September 2018… Considering hes the PM, we must examine the facts claimed by her carefully so that the public is adequately educated & doesnt become AntiNational…
2/9.. Firstly, @DrDatta01 claims Modi was born TWICE.. This is a FACT but not surprising.. Hindus believe in multiple births. Modi was once born as Avatar of Shivaji (per #BhajanMandli) but they changed their mind & rebirthed him as Avatar of Lord Vazoo..
Read 12 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
There are no Hindu leaders in Tamil Nadu...
Exposing Stalin doesnt make them "Hindu Leaders"...
There never was any "Pan Hindu Identity" and cannot be... as Hindu religion or culture isnt a "One-Book" pony.. Only moron #BhajanMandli blabber "Hindu Oonity" as a false defence of their moronery...
Read 4 tweets

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