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Oct 6th 2019
‼️OMFG folks!

Believe it or not, the Trump/Giuliani #BidenOp also serves as a Hail Mary pass to fight Firtash’s extradition.

There is also a huge connection to Rick Perry’s UKR LNG contract.

Why? Firtash owns 70% of UNR’s gas distribution.

📌The Firtash backstory
Trump: “The only reason I made the [7/25] call was because Rick asked me to.

📌Something about an LNG [liquified natural gas] plant.”

Trump added that ‘more of this will be coming out in the next few days’ — referring to Perry.”…
‼️The story of Dmytro Firtash:


A little-known businessman from western Ukraine, Firtash got involved in the business of trading natural gas in the 1990s, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.…
Read 40 tweets
Sep 29th 2019

The fear of a return to tyranny post-Revolution and “what sort may come afterwards” motivated the framers to limit the president’s power (i.e., no absolute veto) and to include an impeachment clause.

Trump’s Ukraine Intervention May Violate FCPA, Arms Export Laws

Trump’s personal intervention was "highly improper," one arms export expert says, concluding that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act "appears to have been criminally violated here."

The FCPA forbids “any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the ...

Payment of money or anything of value to any person, while knowing that all or a portion of such money or thing of value will be offered, given or promised, directly or indirectly, to a foreign official to influence the foreign official in his/her official capacity,
Read 52 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
I suggest @nyt, @washingtingpost, @wsj, @cnn & @msnbc are being played by the Trump adm re the #BidenOp version of the Whistleblower story.

Were your sources Trump, Rudy, &/or Barr/Pompeo spox?

Trump spox on the Sunday talk show circuit all take a swing at MSM re WB story.
RW media is in overdrive attempting to smearJoe Biden.

The #BidenOp is simply a disinfo campaign designed to control & change the narrative & to tarnish Joe Biden.

RT posted a highly edited video being amplified on SOCMed = coordination.

5/16/19: Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Hunter Biden, Burisma not targets, despite Giuliani’s pleas

Long-running investigation said to focus on another Ukrainian

Read 31 tweets

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