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Oct 22nd 2021
@CounteringCrime filed a new chapter of our complaint against @Facebook to @SEC_Enforcement early this morning. 1 🧵 Image
Some media is reporting our filing is saying the firm puts profit over safety -- actually, we filed that ages ago, and we have been saying this openly in our reports for years. #oldnews. 2…
Whats NEW in today's filing is that #FB execs have known for years they can't remove the wide range and scale of toxic and illegal content on their platforms and REMAIN PROFITABLE -- and we have that from multiple #FB security team members. 3
Read 7 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
Andhra couple murders daughters to resurrect them…
Though it looks like #TantricInfluence, mystery is Who believes in resurrection?

Detail investigation is a must to u/s how 'highly educated' couple were influenced &by Whom?

Media started blaming Hindus!
Hoping for '2nd resurrection', family delays son's last rites for 11 days…
Pravin More, who works at 'Jesus For All Nations Ministry, Meshach had 'died' 2 yrs ago.

The boy came back to life after his father began performing prayers, More claimed.
Hoping He’ll Come Alive, Family Kept Man’s Body for 4 Months…

#oldnews similar pattern, but blame Hindus ?

Hindus get influenced or converted by nonHindu progressive, liberal, hate based religions.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 10th 2020
1/ Das #Strategiepapier aus dem Innenministerium ist zwar schon lange öffentlich & eigtl. "#OldNews", aber es ist trotzdem sinnvoll noch einmal darauf einzugehen, da es brandaktuell ist
Ich gehe hier auf die aus meiner Sicht besonders wichtigen Kernpunkte ein.
2/ Der höchstbrisante & aktuelle Punkt ist Punkt 4a "Schlussfolgerung für Maßnahmen &offene Kommunikation".
Hier wird empfohlen das Volk in Angst& Schrecken zu versetzen. Bemerkenswert ist hier, was für Vorschläge gemacht werden,damit dies gelingt.
3/ Man empfiehlt mit einem Worst Case Szenario an die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen. Es geht damit weiter, dass empfohlen wird nüchterne Fakten (z.B. Fallsterblichkeit) nicht in den Vordergrund zu stellen, da diese zu harmlos klingen. Image
Read 18 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
Wangxian youtubers au: Wei Wuxian is in love with popular YouTuber Lan Wangji and is inspired by his channel to make his own under the name Yiling Laozu. Unfortunately for him, Lan Wangji HATES the Yiling Laozu channel...
Once again, dates and times mean nothing.
Please quote rt instead of replying thank you ❤️
First some introductions
Read 1881 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
I suggest @nyt, @washingtingpost, @wsj, @cnn & @msnbc are being played by the Trump adm re the #BidenOp version of the Whistleblower story.

Were your sources Trump, Rudy, &/or Barr/Pompeo spox?

Trump spox on the Sunday talk show circuit all take a swing at MSM re WB story.
RW media is in overdrive attempting to smearJoe Biden.

The #BidenOp is simply a disinfo campaign designed to control & change the narrative & to tarnish Joe Biden.

RT posted a highly edited video being amplified on SOCMed = coordination.

5/16/19: Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Hunter Biden, Burisma not targets, despite Giuliani’s pleas

Long-running investigation said to focus on another Ukrainian

Read 31 tweets

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