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Most recents (2)

Oct 6th 2022
Read them in their own words. Ponder it slowly. Consider the implications.🧵
Who else was focused on Chikungunya? It's a military-intelligence DARPA/DTRA/CIA biodefense spook show. It's why they're untouchable. It's why EcoHealth keeps receiving our tax dollars and why no one has been prosecuted.……
Read 4 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
I see that last thread picked up a lot of followers.

Are you ready to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes?
#theyknew #DTRA #DARPA #Metabiota #EcoHealthAlliance #BiodefenseMafia #mindcontrol
It was not the disease they told you it was. It was very different. Doctors used the wrong treatments and followed the wrong guidelines because they were completely misled about it.…
It's not nearly as safe as they say it is. Not even close. It underwent highly accelerated testing and it uses a novel mechanism never used before.…
Read 14 tweets

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