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May 8th 2023
1/ Debunking the Myth: Did Ordinals & BRC20 Break Bitcoin? 🚀💡 Let's dive into the facts and debunk some common misconceptions surrounding the impact of these protocols on the #Bitcoin network. 🧐🔍
2/ Chess Game Analogy: 🎲 Just like in a game of chess, players have different strategies & motives. Some spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt 😨, while others promote their own solutions. It's crucial to critically analyze the claims made by both sides. 🕵️‍♂️ #crypto
3/ State-Level-Attack: 🌐 We've seen that a state-level attacker might need about $2 billion to come close to stifling the Bitcoin network. The network can adapt & grow, but this is definitely a concern. 😬 #BitcoinSecurity
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