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Dec 16th 2022
Netherlands, I predicted the same Furin Cleavage site that was added to SARS to create SARS-2 or COVID-19 would be added to MERS to create a “MERS-2”… Moderna’s '16 patent for the manmade Furin Cleavage site has never before been seen in nature @ErasmusMC
I dubbed the Furin Cleavage site the “smoking patent” for the now famous Wellcome Trust-Erasmus Lab-Fauci Corona Coverup Emails. Moderna applied for the very unique “smoking patent” in 2016, years before it later appeared in the Corona pandemic in 2019.
I repeated these predictions about MERS potentially being “upgraded and patented” to “MERS-2” in several subsequent books in the last two years. But we never had a potential Patient Zero for “MERS-2” before now. His name is Grant Wahl. @ErasmusMC
Read 17 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
March 15, 2022

Toplet bombs are still the main reason why the Light forces can not intervene directly in the situation on the surface of the planet. Image
The Light forces are now clearing the quantum and subquantum anomaly on the higher mental plane with maximum possible speed and as soon as that is done, they will start clearing the subquantum anomaly on the physical plane, which is the riskiest part of the whole operation.
The most critical timeframe is between now and April 24th.
Accidentally or not so accidentally the cutoff date of April 24th coincides with the end of Kala Sarpa Dosha, a very challenging period in Vedic Jyotish astrology, which ends on April 22:…
Read 44 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
In 2016 the Novak Foundation held their gala dinner in Milan at Castello Sforzesco aka Sforza's Castle

> House of Visconti coat of arms #BlackNobility

> Notice the Biscione .. ImageImageImageImage
That same year > Novak Foundation
> Marina Abramovic

One of the guests at Nicole Junkermann and Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti daughter's Vatican baptism was Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra

aka Urbano Barberini Sforza… ImageImage
Read 14 tweets

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