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Jun 17th 2021
BJYM workers take a morcha at Shiv Sena Bhavan which is unheard of in history (morcha going to Sens Bhavan). Shiv Sena workers beating BJYM workers. Govt agencies raid Shiv Sainik Pradeep Sharma. MLA Pratap Sarnaik is under ground after raids. EB/IT finishing his empire
Sena IT cell calls BJP as Babar Janata Party. BJYM worker calls Sena as Khilji Sena.
So real ground work for BMC election 2022 has started from both the parties.
Sena trying to woo Congress muslim votebank by indirectly raising objections to Ayodhya Ram mandir in grab of a scam
What will MNS, Congress and AIMIM who are the other 3 serious players in Mumbai (NCP is not a serious player) do now to prevent it from becoming a Sena vs BJP fight, like in 2017. We all know the result of that fight in 2017. BJP got 82 and Sena got 84 wards.
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Jan 4th 2021
Narayan Rane the ex CM of Maharashtra has helped to get jobs for a lot of youth originally from Konkan but now in Mumbai, in enterprises like BEST etc. Many of these youth used to go to Konkan to campaign for him during elections.
Mumbai has a huge population from Konkan historically as it is part of the coastline. Over the last century, the city grew n attracted more migrants. I myself am a 5th generation migrant from Konkan.
Hence Narayan Rane and family can help reach out to a lot of voters

Rane was the first politician in Konkan who took road infra to the remotest of hilly villages. Over the last decade the Rane family had lost popularity in Konkan but now they are gaining back the turf.
Rane can influence atleast a 1000 votes in more than a 100 wards

Read 5 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
#BMC2017 results for North Mumbai Lok Sabha -
Total wards: 42
BJP: 24
Cong: 6

BJP won (won/total wards) -
Dahisar: 3/6
Borivali: 5/7
Magathane: 1/7
Charkop: 5/7
Kandivali (E): 7/8
Malad (W): 3/7

#BMC2017 North Mumbai LS -

Sena won (won/total wards) -
Dahisar: 3/6
Borivali: 1/7
Magathane: 6/7
Charkop: 1/7
Kandivali (E): 0/8
Malad (W): 1/7

Cong won (won/total wards) -
Dahisar: 0/6
Borivali: 1/7
Magathane: 0/7
Charkop: 1/7
Kandivali (E): 1/8
Malad (W): 3/7

BJP has potential to win one more seat in Dahisar (Ward 1) where Ram Yadav of BJP had revolted and his wife had fought as an independent (reserved for women) and she came number 2. BJP official candidate stood 4th. Now Ram Yadav is back in BJP.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
Bhau Torsekar on the problem Congress could pose to the Sena in BMC election (in Marathi)

Bhau rightly points out that the appointment of trade union leader Bhai Jagtap as Mumbai Congress chief is a good move as he is an ambitious leader, unlike the earlier chiefs.
Cong which used to get anti Sena vote has lost it to the BJP in 2017 in Mumbai, as BJP is oppn to Sena
Bhai Jagtap is talking of Cong fighting on its own in BMC. There could be three reasons why he is talking like that,
1. Congress has lost strength in Mumbai. From 70 odd wards won in 2007 to 50 odd in 2012 and finally 30 odd in 2017, it has been a downward graph.
Read 7 tweets

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