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Mar 8th 2023
Hello there!
Bonjour les amis! belle journée à tous!
Enjoy your day you all!
2/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on March 8, 2023
The situation is better and better each day for #Ukraine (for the last 3 days) around #Bakhmut!
good news about the global area too.
let's dive in :
3/ "In the Bakhmut direction, the opponent, despite significant losses, continues to storm the city of Bakhmut. He also led unsuccessful offensive actions in the areas of #Berhívka (fck yeah!), #DubovoVasylivka #OrihovoVasilivka, #Bogdanívka, #Ivanívske and #Klishchiyvika.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on Feb 23, 2023
Situation is still evolving in North & East #Bakhmut
In the city the Ukr seems to draw back from previous contact lines. preparing retreat.
Really hard fights all day long... everywhere
#UkraineMap Image
2/ Ru are making notable progress along the NE-SW rail going between #Yahidne & #Khromove. RU forces are increasing their tactical harassements with continuous small groups of men ramping up like vermines... some pic of #Ukrainian LOCS taken by RU drones. direct mortar hit.
3/ As explained several times, if Ru take full control of this axis (even if #Bogdanivka is not fully taken) but up to #Khromove because of the particular terrain situation, #Ukrainian won't ever be able to take it back (acting like that of course.. )
so i think it's the reason Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+369 (27/02) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

#Bakhmut est dans une situation critique, malgré les actions de retardement

Ailleurs, l'offensive d'hiver russe traîne comme une limace, entravée par la météo👇 et par le NTM minable des #RF


Pour une définition du NTM (ce n'est pas le groupe de rap cher à @Michel_Goya mais son concept ©), c'est par ici ->…

L'augmentation de 105 km2 à +360 km2 des gains ne montre pas une percée mais des améliorations des positions tactiques aussi bien du côté russe que du côté ukrainien
Read 24 tweets

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